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Community Manager - Retired
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Broadband - Top Tips to get help on the forum


 Welcome to the forum.  If you have found our community because you are having problems with your broadband service, then there are a few bits of information that you can post, which will help other forum members get to the bottom of the issue.  Here is some guidance on the type of info to post and how to get to this info;

 Run a Speed test and post the results
Visit BT Wholesale Broadband Performance Test pop your telephone number in and run the test. Once the initial test completes you will see an option at the bottom of the screen for 'Further Diagnostics' click this to run the full test.  Once the result is displayed, copy this into your post.

 Quiet Line test
A faulty phone line will have a negative impact on your broadband connection. To help rule out any issue with your phone service please run a quiet line test by dialling 17070 from your BT Landline. If using a corded phone then the test should be quiet, if you are using a cordless phone then you may hear a low hum.

 Router Stats
The information contained within your router management pages can really help others diagnose technical issues. To post these stats, open up a web browser and type or BThomehub.home. Navigate to the 'Troubleshooting' Tab and then click on 'Helpdesk', you will then need to enter the admin password which can be found on the sticker on the back of BT Home Hub 4 and 5. BT Home hub 3 will have the sticker on the underside of the router.

When using a Hub 3, you will see an option at the bottom right hand corner to select 'full details'. click on this, copy the info displayed and post the results. If using a BT Home Hub 4 or 5 navigate to 'Troubleshooting' then to 'Logs'. You will then find two lines which will state 'DSL noise margin' and 'DSL line rate', copy this info and include this in your post.

If you are using the BT Smart hub you can get your connection stats by, Opening a new web browser on your connected device and type or bthomehub.home into the address bar. This will open the Hub Manager.  Click Advanced Settings’ and then ‘Technical log’

Cheers Sean


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