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Message 1 of 3

Rural broadband - group of 5 houses with different speeds - how to complain?

We are a group of 5 houses in rural Dorset at the end of the connection from our local cabinet which is some 3 miles away. Three of the houses get internet speeds within the BT Boradband contract terms - 1-3mb.
Two of the houses do not and struggle to get online.
OpenReach engineers have been out often to solve issues but the problem still exists.
We have been informed on several occasions that the telephone lines from the cabinet are in need of replacing and that Fibre is not an option as we are too far from the cabinet.
How do we escalate this issue with BT as a 'group complaint'?
Also it doesn't seem right that we are paying the same broadband charges for very low speeds that people closer to the cabinet pay for much better speeds. Does BT have a system where they drop the charges in such situations?
Comments and help appreciated.


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Message 2 of 3

Re: Rural broadband - group of 5 houses with different speeds - how to complain?

The charging system is the basis for all ISPs - a package cost with usual speeds 'up to' and no distinguishing of what speed you can get. Basically you are looking for personal packages which is certainly not going to happen

it is  openreach who are responsible for the phone lines not BT Retail. The main criteria is ensuring your phone line works.

Are use able to get a good mobile signal?

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Rural broadband - group of 5 houses with different speeds - how to complain?

Thanks for the reply
Yes we have 4G mobile here.
Actually other people in the area use Wessex Internet as their provider. Unfortunately we have a problem in that in our hamlet we can't see their tower - trees in the way!
Am I right then that the issue of the actual broadband speed problem between the houses in our hamlet - is an OpenReach one?
In that it probably relates to issues to do with the telephone lines?

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