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Message 2 of 12

Universal Service Obligation not fulfilled.

My broadband speed is not up to the Universal Service Obligation (USO) minimum standard of a least a sync speed of 10 Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload.

I am on an Exchange Only (EO) line and it can easily be rerouted for Fibre To The Cabinet (FTTC) through PCP-3 (aka Green Box) from Fyvie MDF (Exchange) in the North East of Scotland. Why has this not been done?

The E and D sides for PCP-3 are routed through the JF6 (footpath underground lid) on the opposite side of the road to DP-16 (Distribution Pole #16) at the start of Woodhead of Fyvie. Both E & D tie-ins are 180m long from PCP-3 to the in-line clippy (underground joint) inside the JF6. My line is also routed through the same JF6 in another in-line clippy. There is an interlink cable between the two clippys.

I am an ex-Openreach Broadband Engineer and I have previously done this to numerous customers in Woodhead of Fyvie. This is the easiest, fastest and cheapest way for Openreach to achieve this as the infrastructure is already in place. There are numerous broadband ports in PCP-3 by BT and other Communications Providers (CP’s), if BT have none spare.

Also, a Fibre To The Premises (FTTP) (aka. Full fibre) Fibre Node has been fitted to my DP-122 outside my house, but the Containerised Block Terminal (CBT) has not been fitted to the Fibre Node by K&N contractors. FTTP is active in Woodhead of Fyvie 892m down the road. Why as the work not been completed?

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Message 1 of 12

Universal Service Obligation not fulfilled.


My broadband speed is not up to the Universal Service Obligation (USO) minimum standard of a least a sync speed of 10 Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload.

I am on an Exchange Only (EO) line and it can easily be rerouted for Fibre To The Cabinet (FTTC) through PCP-3 (aka Green Box) from Fyvie MDF (Exchange) in the North East of Scotland. Why has this not been done?

The E and D sides for PCP-3 are routed through the JF6 (footpath underground lid) on the opposite side of the road to DP-16 (Distribution Pole #16) at the start of Woodhead of Fyvie. Both E & D tie-ins are 180m long from PCP-3 to the in-line clippy (underground joint) inside the JF6. My line is also routed through the same JF6 in another in-line clippy. There is an interlink cable between the two clippys.

I am an ex-Openreach Broadband Engineer and I have previously done this to numerous customers in Woodhead of Fyvie. This is the easiest, fastest and cheapest way for Openreach to achieve this as the infrastructure is already in place. There are numerous broadband ports in PCP-3 by BT and other Communications Providers (CP’s), if BT have none spare.

Also, a Fibre To The Premises (FTTP) (aka. Full fibre) Fibre Node has been fitted to my DP-122 outside my house, but the Containerised Block Terminal (CBT) has not been fitted to the Fibre Node by K&N contractors. FTTP is active in Woodhead of Fyvie 892m down the road. Why as the work not been completed?

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Message 3 of 12

Re: Universal Service Obligation not fulfilled.

as an ex openreach engineer you are aware that BT Retail is a separate company to openreach and has no control or say on how openreach when or if at all  openreach connect cabinets  to allow fibre

if you have a complaint then raise it with openreach but until you line shows fibre available on the dslchecker you will not be able to order

do you have a good mobile signal?

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Message 4 of 12

Re: Universal Service Obligation not fulfilled.

No, I am in a bad mobile reception area, so I am in an area that USO is applicable.

I know Openreach is a 'separate' company to BT, but the order to put my line through PCP-3 has to come from the Communication's Provider (CP), so that is why I am posting here.

As you very well know the public do not deal with Openreach, only the CP's.

The 'report a fault' on My BT directs you to here.

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Message 5 of 12

Re: Universal Service Obligation not fulfilled.

there numerous posts on the forum asking to be moved to another cabinet to improve broadband speed and openreach have refused to move line just for that purpose

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Message 6 of 12

Re: Universal Service Obligation not fulfilled.

This was posted by the community manager about USO

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Message 7 of 12

Re: Universal Service Obligation not fulfilled.

Hi @stu50uk,

Welcome to the Community and thanks for taking the time to post. 

I'm sorry to hear that your connection is currently not meeting the new USO standards.

Have you used the new USO website to check if your address is eligible for a network upgrade and if so raised a case with the USO team on 0800 783 0223? 



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Message 8 of 12

Re: Universal Service Obligation not fulfilled.

Have already tried that. Got this reply today:-

"Thank you for your patience in allowing me to get some further information on your request. As we discussed on our call we received the confirmation of the survey price from Openreach I will detail this below:

Survey Cost including VAT: 22,306.8

Survey Cost excluding VAT: 18,589

Expected build time: 18  months

When we spoke you have also requested a breakdown of the figure, I am afraid I do not have this information to hand, I have made the request to Openreach for this information to be passed to myself and when this is done I will follow up this email with the information that I receive. I apologise that I am not able to provide this information straight away.

Many thanks,

USO Team Member | BT Consumer"

This is all absolute Bull$h@t. I have spoke to the local Openreach surveyor and he never surveyed the route.

The routing is correct as I stated above and would take the engineer about one hour to route the line through PCP-3.

This is just the standard frighten the customer with a big bill and hopefully they will go away answer. Funny the price is exactly the same as when I first rang up three weeks ago.

Openreach keep refusing to give an itemising of the proposed quote or explain why the price is so high despite the infrastructure (paided by the taxpayer -R100 programme) already in place.
Also Craig would not given me his surname or UIN (BT employee number).

The real reason is BT have sold all their broadband ports in PCP-3 i.e. "Superfast Broadband is not available in your area." ie. with BT. Other CP's have spare ports in PCP-3, but as I am not routed through it, it will not show up on the routing (Openreach's CSS sytem). They don't want to raise a task to complete the routing as they will lose business despite Openreach supposingly being a separate Company from BT.

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Message 9 of 12

Re: Universal Service Obligation not fulfilled.

Doubt they'd quote you a high price just to put you off, the costs will be indicative of installing a full network.

Also this is the second day running somebody is complaining about not getting someone's employee id, that is personal information which isn't for public knowledge, are you happy to give just anybody your employee id?

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Message 10 of 12

Re: Universal Service Obligation not fulfilled.

You don't know the local network, I do as I answered above. That is the correct routing.
As I said the local surveyor didn't survey the line. So they how they came to their conclusions? Openreach are avoiding to answer.

I asked Craig for his surname and UIN and he avoided to answer. Obviously trying to shrug any responsibility just as BT/Openreach do time and time again.  I came across many times with the jokingly called Department for the Centre of Excellence (DCoE) we had to call (or eSpok) to get new broadband ports, tie-pairs, LIC's, Triage, damage reports as I had to do as an engineer. We where told to put their UIN in the task notes, so if there was any problems they could refer back, but they avoided to answer or put the phone down on you. 

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