Has anyone gone through the process of setting up an ASUS AC2900 modem as a replacement for a BT SmartHub?
(Better for gaming).
Do you know where I can find the ISP configuration so I can setup?
Is that the RT version, i.e is it just a router or is it a modem/router.
Do you have full fibre FTTP or just fibre to the cabinet FTTC?
That device would appear to be just a router (although Google has misled me before now) so unless you have FTTP it can't be used as a direct replacement for the home hub.
If you have FTTP, the only configuration you need are the generic PPPoE login details which are
Username bthomehub@btbroadband.com
Password BT
Thank you for the reply @licquorice
Yes, you're right. This is a router. So it needs to be setup as a compliment to the SmartHub (not as a replacement as I first thought). I have fibre to the cabinet. It's ADSL to the home.
I've connected the Smarthub LAN ethernet to the router internet input port. I've got the current setup as follows, but it is not connecting. Any ideas?
If you are connecting the ASUS WAN port to the hub LAN port, you need to set the connection type as DHCP not PPPoE or give the ASUS an IP address of You will also be double natting if connected like that. You would be better buying a secondhand Openreach Huawei HG612 modem from Ebay and dispense with the hub.
BT connection has dropped out completely. Apparently a problem in the exchange that's been off and on for weeks, just now that it's been noticed. Engineers coming out tomorrow. I've ordered the HG612 modem, so hopefully that will help simplify. Will post back once I've attempted setting that up.
Found a great broadband checker, will post here in case it's helpful to others: https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ADSL/telephoneHome
The dslchecker is nothing new and there are many many posts on the forums with this link already