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Message 1 of 2

Advice required using Black BT Disc ethernet socket

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I've read various threads re using the black disc ethernet socket but I'm still unclear about best practice.

I have BT Smart Hub 2 and 4 black BT discs. My hub is at the front corner of the house near the incoming phone line.

The discs reliably deliver seamless wifi throughout the house.

One of the discs is in the conservatory at the back of the house.  No matter where in the conservatory I put the disk the best connection I can get is “good” (-70dBm using the “Manage your wi-fi disc” tool in the BTapp).  I think this is because the conservatory is added on to the house, so the disc is on the other side of a thick wall and double glazed doors.

Would a network cable between the conservatory disk and another disk inside the main structure improve the conservatory disc connection?......Or

Should I connect the conservatory disk to the hub with a network cable?.....Or

Should I connect the conservatory disc to a nearby switch which connects the TV and other AV gear to the internet.  The switch is hard wired to the hub and has spare sockets..


Should I live with it and spend more time on my bike?

Thanks for any help offered.

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Advice required using Black BT Disc ethernet socket

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Live with it -70dBm is a perfectly good signal.