I suspect the download had taken place previously but hadn't been initialised with a remote restart. Your manual restart kicked it into life.
I'm nervous of appearing to differ with the opinion of a Distinguished Sage but I've copied below a selection of entries from the Event Log in reverse chronological order (which is the order in which they appear in the log).
22:08:16, 12 Dec. Booting firmware v0.30.01.08093-BT (Mon Aug 9 20:01:14 2021)
22:03:15, 12 Dec. Hub is waiting to apply new firmware.
22:03:15, 12 Dec. download firmware image success
22:03:15, 12 Dec. CWMP: Download status=OK
22:03:15, 12 Dec. CWMP: Download File, File type:1 Firmware Upgrade Image, File Name: BT_hh6dx_drop30.01.bin.bt.signed, Username=, CommandKey=
22:03:15, 12 Dec. Download firmware image beginning...
22:02:27, 12 Dec. Hub is waiting to receive its configuration from BT's activation hub remote management system.
22:02:27, 12 Dec. CWMP: session completed successfully
22:02:27, 12 Dec. Contact has been made with BT's activation hub remote management system.
22:00:24, 12 Dec. Booting firmware v0.17.01.12301-BT (Mon Dec 30 19:16:29 2019)
22:00:24, 12 Dec. A device connected to Ethernet port 3
22:00:24, 12 Dec. Wire Lan Port 3 up, Speed 1000 Mbps
22:00:21, 12 Dec. Upgrade and system start from GUI
21:58:33, 12 Dec. Hub is waiting to receive its configuration from BT's activation hub remote management system.
21:58:33, 12 Dec. CWMP: session completed successfully
21:58:33, 12 Dec. Contact has been made with BT's activation hub remote management system.
21:56:35, 12 Dec. Booting firmware v0.17.01.12301-BT (Mon Dec 30 19:16:29 2019)
21:56:34, 12 Dec. A device connected to Ethernet port 3
21:56:34, 12 Dec. Wire Lan Port 3 up, Speed 1000 Mbps
21:55:35, 12 Dec. System restart, reason: Unknown
21:51:41, 12 Dec. admin login success from
The earliest entry (21:51:41) was me logging in to the Smart Hub 2 GUI and subsequently requesting a Factory Reset by software (rather than pressing a physical button). Presumably that would have triggered the System restart at 21:55:35 although I can't explain why it says "reason:Unknown".
Subsequently we can see the Hub booting firmware v0.17 at 21:56:35. It reboots v0.17 again at 22:00:24 just as it recognised the Draytek Router on Lan port 3 - I don't know why it needed that reboot.
But then we can see at 22:03:15 that it downloaded the firmware, apparently applied it, and rebooted again with v0.30.
Going back to the days prior to December 12, I would always see many messages like these :-
21:10:58, 10 Dec. CWMP: session completed successfully
21:10:58, 10 Dec. CWMP: HDM socket opened failed.
21:10:57, 10 Dec. CWMP: Initializing transaction for event code 0 BOOTSTRAP
I don't know if that is significant.
I did say suspect rather than asserting it as a fact 😃😃😃
Yes indeed and anyway I'm very grateful for all the help I can get. I'm an ancient retired mainframe Systems Programmer trying to keep up!