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Message 1 of 4

BT Advanced Phone Z Twin and digital voice?

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We have VOIP, with above base unit plugged into router. Phone rings and is fine when you answer it. However, the base unit makes a terrible racket if phone not answered. To be clear, the racket only occurs after the caller cuts the connection. I just tested by ringing our landline from my mobile, hoping for voicemail to kick in. There is no voicemail message when ringtone stops, and said noise emanated from base unit when I disconnected. 

The sound is a series of tones (“wang, wang, wang” type sound, which last for about a minute. 

Anyone know what’s going on?

Thank you.

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Message 2 of 4

Re: BT Advanced Phone Z Twin and digital voice?

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Update. It seems you can’t use voicemail on the BT Cordless Z Twin, when plugged into the router!  When I go into the phone settings and select “outgoing message”, it says “not currently available.

That can’t be right, with such a recent cordless BT Phone can it?



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Message 3 of 4

Re: BT Advanced Phone Z Twin and digital voice?

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DV has it's own voicemail - check MYBT

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Message 4 of 4

Re: BT Advanced Phone Z Twin and digital voice?

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Thanks. It’s fine now. Just unplugged power and phone line, reconnected and good to go.

God knows what was happening earlier with that awful noise?

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