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Message 121 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

When I click on “Launch web” I just get a blank page. It’s not clear if anything is happening and I can’t see my files. Infuriating! 

0 Ratings
Message 122 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

@JohnC2 (Moderator) wrote:

We have upgraded our BT Cloud windows client to version 20.6.1, while the majority have upgraded smoothly we are sorry that some of you are having various issues. This upgrade is designed to ensure ongoing compatibility with windows releases.

But that doesn't explain why a dashboard similar to the old one couldn't have been provided.

As to "upgraded", doesn't that normally mean "improved"? Come on "John", tell us all what the improvements are.

Note that "John" is the only  BT employee to have posted anything on this subject in over 24 hours. 

0 Ratings
Message 123 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


@JohnC2 (Moderator) wrote:

We have upgraded our BT Cloud windows client to version 20.6.1, while the majority have upgraded smoothly we are sorry that some of you are having various issues. This upgrade is designed to ensure ongoing compatibility with windows releases.

But that doesn't explain why a dashboard similar to the old one couldn't have been provided.

As to "upgraded", doesn't that normally mean "improved"? Come on "John", tell us all what the improvements are.

Note that "John" is the only  BT employee to have posted anything on this subject in over 24 hours. 

This is a community forum so its not monitored by BT employees other than the moderators help act as the go-between.

User interfaces change all the time -  I personally never get attached to them but I know its hard for some users so I do sympathise. 

As the statement says its to ensure compatibility with windows releases - this cloud software is so old and has not had an update for as long as I can remember - the mobile app versions get updated frequently. 

0 Ratings
Message 124 of 1,226

BT Cloud - Multiple Users on Same PC

Latest BT Cloud update does not allow me to back up documents from another user on my PC. Am I missing something or do I have to have the client app installed on the other users desk top and load the documents from there? Sure the old version just allowed me to browse to C/users/anotheruser/ documents and pick that. Now telling me this is a restricted path and cannot be backed up. If that's the case then it's a serous shortcoming on this app.

Tags (1)
0 Ratings
Message 125 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

After pressing on the desktop BT Cloud icon I was forced to update the software part of which includes uninstalled the previous version. Now BT Cloud resides in the system tray expanded icons view and the  "cloud" tray icon says "We're initializing metadata, which may take a while. Please be patient, this will happen only once per account".  There is no progress bar and I have been (very) patient! When will it complete? If I hover over the blue cloud at the top left of the status screen it says "syncing" yet there is absolutely no network traffic. The settings cogwheel gives no response. The "..." options allows "Help" which brings up the BT Cloud user guide which explicitly refers to the Windows Dashboard even though other users suggest that this is for the old version. Meanwhile, nothing is syncing nor can I see which folders are being backed up. Looking at the web interface via a web browser I can see that none of the files that I have updated recently are being backup using this new version, WHY NOT? It says syncing but nothing, I mean nothing is being copied up to the cloud! Does the "We're initializing metadata..." message ever change??

0 Ratings
Message 126 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Tim17 your post have totally made me laugh. Spot on.

0 Ratings
Message 127 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start



@JohnC2 (Moderator) wrote:

We have upgraded our BT Cloud windows client to version 20.6.1, while the majority have upgraded smoothly we are sorry that some of you are having various issues. This upgrade is designed to ensure ongoing compatibility with windows releases.

But that doesn't explain why a dashboard similar to the old one couldn't have been provided.

As to "upgraded", doesn't that normally mean "improved"? Come on "John", tell us all what the improvements are.

Note that "John" is the only  BT employee to have posted anything on this subject in over 24 hours. 

This is a community forum so its not monitored by BT employees other than the moderators help act as the go-between.

User interfaces change all the time -  I personally never get attached to them but I know its hard for some users so I do sympathise. 

As the statement says its to ensure compatibility with windows releases - this cloud software is so old and has not had an update for as long as I can remember - the mobile app versions get updated frequently. 

Well "John"  wrote  "We have upgraded our BT Cloud windows client"  -  which implies that he is a BT employee.

As for BT employees not monitoring this forum - that's disgraceful. Aren't BT interested in the travails of their customers?

Ensuring "compatibility with windows releases" does not preclude using a dashboard similar to the old one.

I'd still like to know in  what way this upgrade is an improvement!

0 Ratings
Message 128 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


After pressing on the desktop BT Cloud icon I was forced to update the software part of which includes uninstalled the previous version. Now BT Cloud resides in the system tray expanded icons view and the  "cloud" tray icon says "We're initializing metadata, which may take a while. Please be patient, this will happen only once per account".  There is no progress bar and I have been (very) patient! When will it complete? If I hover over the blue cloud at the top left of the status screen it says "syncing" yet there is absolutely no network traffic. The settings cogwheel gives no response. The "..." options allows "Help" which brings up the BT Cloud user guide which explicitly refers to the Windows Dashboard even though other users suggest that this is for the old version. Meanwhile, nothing is syncing nor can I see which folders are being backed up. Looking at the web interface via a web browser I can see that none of the files that I have updated recently are being backup using this new version, WHY NOT? It says syncing but nothing, I mean nothing is being copied up to the cloud! Does the "We're initializing metadata..." message ever change??

yes - that meta data message does change. When it is syncing - do you seen any files in that white popup? Try creating some dummy files in your sync folder to see if it triggers a fresh upload? After all the files are synced the cloud icon on the top left turns green with a tick. 

0 Ratings
Message 129 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

I agree - Upgrade implies better

And, when you are searching for solutions to problems BT directs you to the User Forum - is that just to get rid of us or so that a solution can be given?

It's not good customer relations is it?

Message 130 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Further to my previous post even bigger problems -

I updated several files on my laptop last night, still not uploaded to the cloud or my desktop.

Checked this morning and numerous files in the cloud are not the latest versions, some as old as two weeks.

Just checked both laptop and desktop, on both machines there is a foolder BT Cloud AND BT Cloud (1).

This wonderful new update is creating  new cloud folders on both machines.

Going into preferences it won't let me change the folder back to the original.

I now have multiple copies of differnet version of the same files on both machines nad possibly a different version in the cloud.

Gave up talking to the help desk.

This is going to take days to resolve file versions, if BT ever get the software to work properley.



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