Message 241 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Will you be emailing everyone to tell us when this is fixed or are we just left in the dark and wondering when this is going to work

0 Ratings
Message 242 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Update. Today 1.12.20. Unable to access account via Desktop shortcut.

at least yours is working - i cant even get that far

0 Ratings
Message 243 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

I'm afraid that once again (see 100s of pages on the new BT Web Mail fiasco) BT has launched an entirely new (not 'updated') app without proper beta testing and without any guidance from marketing or product management experts on how to do this without really teeing off customers.

The app doesn't work as I imagine its intended to - doesn't act like a normal Cloud back-up - i.e. doesn't back-up changed files, or at least not for everyone - doesn't seem to work across all systems (or all system variations). I have now accessed the Web app - (Windows 10, Chrome) - it tells me it can't load anything but my contacts - because I have so much stuff (I'm running at 1% or the terabyte storage I'm meant to have on the system!) - but when I look at individual categories (i.e. Photos or Documents) - the material - well some of it at least, is there.  If offers me a desk-top app - but apart from the thing hidden under the arrow god knows what that is, I'm wary of installing anything else from BT now, in case my machine is trashed like others have been.

I would really advise anyone who is worried about losing stuff etc., to use a back-up to this back-up. And don't expect it to work like other Cloud storage - for some of you of course I'm afraid it's simply 'don't expect it to work'.

Having said that, when I posted a long (if necessarily truncated) script I got when it wouldn't load initially, a BT person did contact me to find out more - so the guys and gals on the ground are trying their best, and do care that it's a **bleep**-up. 

0 Ratings
Message 244 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

************ I believe this is Philips email but who really knows

0 Ratings
Message 245 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Well written Caz11!

Yes, this is a major issue for everybody using BT Cloud. I'm forced to conclude that BT are employing a bunch of amateurs in writing the code for this service. Not good publicity for BT!

If they don't resolve the issues soon, it will get into the media and it will be BT's fault for not taking it seriously!

Message 246 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Well done Cazz11
I really hope you get a response, I have spent hours on the phone always getting different people and achieving absolutely nothing.
As you say it would have been nice to advise customers of the problem rather having all individuals wasting time trying to resolve the problem themselves.
Message 247 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Thank goodness this appeared to run smoothly for the majority of users otherwise the site would have crashed.

Next in line for an upgrade? BT Virus Protect is in the firing line. Be prepared.

Message 248 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

I have now sent an email to Mr Jansen (using the email address that was posted).

Hopefully if enough of us do this BT will take notice. 

0 Ratings
Message 249 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Do we know "it ran smoothly for the majority of users"?  I hope so for their sakes.  Are there any learnings from them which would assist those of us who do have persisting problems?

0 Ratings
Message 250 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Getting worse.


Having no guide as to what the new so called upgrade is about, and me being an old OAP and not much up on computers I I did find under Preferences a check box with 'Make all BT Cloud content available on this computer' So ticked it and let it do its thing and see what the result was. It has been downloading for about an hour and is now 'Paused'.

I checked a few of the folders that have been downloaded and checked the contents, many are empty! Some music folders have bee split into two with different dates and disk numbers; One CD 'Millennium 40 hits' has music from 1970-1974 and on BT Cloud it is now split into two folders, one showing as 1970-1974 and another disk showing 1975-1979 as disk 1. There is a second CD Millennium with music from 1975-1979 which on BT Cloud is now shown as 1975-1979 as Disk 2, so that's 3 folders for 2 CD's and even so some tracks are missing.

Now I need to delete the downloads done today and uncheck all boxes in Preferences. I have no faith in BT Cloud whatsoever. I reckon 5 year old could have done a better job and whoever made this shambolic mess should be fired and whoever released it without it being fully checked out and with the inability for a choice of installation or later reversal should join them at the job center.

Plain unbelievable.

The questions only easy if you already know the answer
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