Message 381 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Whilst there seems to have been some improvement.  This is still not working reliably.  I am waiting for several files that I have updated today to be uploaded.  Seems to have stalled 4 hours ago.

0 Ratings
Message 382 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

There are at least two bits to fix, so far only the server end has had any adjustment. The client end is yet to be replaced, and that's where your issue may lie. 

0 Ratings
Message 383 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Is anyone from BT there?

I have three devices...one is used from Home, one is used from worke and one is used for travelling which is a daily occurence. None of these are being synched.....in synch....and I have resorted to keeping all my files on a hard drive to take with me....spending the first hour to hour and a half of each day making sure that I have all the latest versions available.

Problems happen in all walks of life and it is how we respond to these that define us as an organisation/person/service.


If no resolution is given I will have to escalate both the the techinical issues and the organisation's disrespect for its customers.

I have been in IT since 1976 and this is the worst public rollout of a system/change I have ever encountered.





Message 384 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

I still cant view any files on desktop, have to use iphone (lucky the bugs on that version of cloud were fixed). What happened to new software to fix it "next week"?


0 Ratings
Message 385 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

yep, its **bleep**, just tried re installing the desktop software, still doesnt work, have to upload via web browser only and use phone app, really poor service all round

0 Ratings
Message 386 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Along with everyone else I still have issues although some things have been uploaded to the cloud it doesn't automatically upload amendments to documents. I now find that everything that has been uploaded is now automatically being downloaded back onto my laptop as a separate file!!  It's about time someone from BT told us what exactly is going on, why was the upgrade necessary and when do they realistically expect to resolve this. I've had to turn it off through fear that it will use up all of my memory. I'm resorting to purchasing an external HD to back up my files. One very unhappy and **bleep** off customer


0 Ratings
Message 387 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


yep, its **bleep**, just tried re installing the desktop software, still doesnt work, have to upload via web browser only and use phone app, really poor service all round

BT has said that they haven't yet issued a new client/ desktop version, so that's not surprising. Any improvements seen will have been at the server end - if your problem is at the client end that's not yet been addressed. I'm guessing it's more difficult than they thought/ hoped.

0 Ratings
Message 388 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


Along with everyone else I still have issues although some things have been uploaded to the cloud it doesn't automatically upload amendments to documents. I now find that everything that has been uploaded is now automatically being downloaded back onto my laptop as a separate file!!  It's about time someone from BT told us what exactly is going on, why was the upgrade necessary and when do they realistically expect to resolve this. I've had to turn it off through fear that it will use up all of my memory. I'm resorting to purchasing an external HD to back up my files. One very unhappy and **bleep** off customer

You don't say whether it's your backup or sync files that are being downloaded, but I suspect the latter.

When enabling sync it's essential  to point to your existing sync directory, otherwise it will use the default, causing the duplication. They should have carried forward the settings from the old version, but failed to do so.

sync settings.jpg

0 Ratings
Message 389 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Though I had initial issues, seems to have all been resolved now. I did notice sometimes if I sit there watching after a change to a file nothing happens but as my laptop is left on, I come back later and it is backed up. So best to leave it running in the background and checking once a day.

I wouldn't recommend BT do another upgrade till the new year as many of us have just got it working now and another one could knock us back again!  

0 Ratings
Message 390 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

I think maybe it’s about time we all raised formal complaints. That seems to get action from BT. Then of course we can escalate to Ofcom.

I worked for IBM for over 30 years and I’ve never ever seen a worse, untested rollout of a major software tool, ever.

Haven’t they tested the bloody thing ?