Message 451 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

thanks I will try that.

0 Ratings
Message 452 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Warning. I have received a private message via this forum which appears to be spam. I can't copy it to show you.

Also, my Cloud icon in hidden icons now refers to OneDrive but it won't let me use it as I'm not signed into OneDrive. I know, I don't use it.

0 Ratings
Message 453 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Yes I also received a direct message which I deleted straight away.
Re onedrive that icon does look similar to the btcloud one the latter is black with a white tick in it
0 Ratings
Message 454 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

According to the BT announcement at the start of this thread they are supposed to be releasing a new version this coming week, I'll wait and see if that happens, I've already wasted enough of my life with this shambles.

0 Ratings
Message 455 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

I'm genuinely sad to say that in my sphere of IT peers, BT now stands for Broken Technology...and that is the polite version.

0 Ratings
Message 456 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

This morning I noticed that BT Cloud was uploading a file I had not touched since 26/04/2011. On further inspection I found I had 4 files om my computer, each with a different date..

  • The original file with a modified date of 26/04/2011, which is the correct date.
  • BT Cloud, which I assume was the original folder prior to the upgrade, with a date modified of 08/06/2016.
  • BT Cloud (1), which I assume is the folder created during the upgrade, with a modified date of 19/12/2018.
  • A OneDrive file with a date of 02/08/2020. This one I can understand.

How can a backup system possibly operate reliably if the modified date cannot be relied on?

I'm tempted to uninstall BT Cloud but I've seen reference to hidden files that need to be dealt with. Do you or anyone else know where these files are?

0 Ratings
Message 457 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Sue W2 - What name does the sender use ?

0 Ratings
Message 458 of 1,226

BT Cloud Update 20.6.1

8 Days have now passed since we were promised an update or fix to the failed cloud update 20.6.1

BT - Are you going to provide this or not?

My upgrade failed in the same way as many others- ran the upgrade which removed previous version then did not install the new version correctly. In fact I can't see it at all. 

I can access via web, but I have lost all data which I had synced since mid- November. My most recent updates to important files are missing. 

I blame myself. After years or persevering with BT land lines, BT internet and BT TV, I should have known better. Constant glitches, problems and failures. I should not have been surprised by this latest screw up. My mistake was in trusting your company to deliver  a service in the way you promised. Do realise how important the integrity of a person's data is? You can't screw around with customers. 

When will this update be issued?????



Message 459 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

I had the same spam message today, it came from


Message 460 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


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