Message 1121 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud

The Cloud icon is where you say, but I don't seem to have any control over what is happening. Can I recover files, or amend it in any way? Is this information available?

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Message 1122 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud


BT Cloud seems to have stopped working on my PC. When I click on the cloud icon, the eggtimer flashes up briefly, then nothing. The help desk denied any problem at their end and blamed my PC. Any ideas?

During installation of BT Cloud 20.6.1 a shortcut icon, named BT Cloud will appear on your PC/Laptop Desktop screen.  It is linked to the file called BT Cloud.exe now in your File Explorer, which was put there during installation.

Highlight the BT Cloud shortcut icon, by clicking on it, and then DOUBLE click it.   

Other than a slight flicker, nothing will apparently happen, this is normal, but if you have performed these actions correctly, a series of things will have started to happen that are out of sight.

A small cloud icon will appear in the Taskbar’s hidden icons, or on the Taskbar itself.  Hidden icons can be found by hovering over the upward pointing arrow on the Taskbar and clicking it once.  Amongst any other hidden icons, a small cloud icon will have appeared.

This small cloud, which shows the progression of the Syncing Process, is:
Initially a White outline with a Black centre, which means that it isn’t syncing yet. 

It will then change to become a White cloud containing two tiny arrows, one on top of the other to form a circle, which means that syncing has started.

Finally, these tiny arrows will be replaced by a tick, which means that syncing has completed.

The speed at which the icons change is determined by the Number and Size of the Files being synced, as well as your PC and Internet Speed capabilities, so you have to be very patient.  It is possible on that the first syncing process may take several hours, but just leave it running until the process is completed, even if it takes several hours.  Subsequent syncing will be much quicker.

Another thing that is happening out of sight is that a BT Cloud Folder is added to your File Explorer, which will continue to be filled as the Files being synced. 

Note 1: When I performed initial syncing, it took many hours before all of my Folders and their associated 20,600 files were totally completed. 

Note 2: If you see the words syncing or initialising metadata, don’t worry, this indicates everything is normal.


Now that you are aware of the small cloud in the Show hidden icons, go to it and SINGLE LEFT click on it.  The Dashboard appears:

1 Dashboard Synced.jpg

When files are being synced the top left icon will be blue (and hovering over will say syncing), but when syncing has finished the icon will turn green.

The three dots at the top right are self explanatory, but the cog wheel next to it is where to should set your Preferences for Syncing and Backup, but before setting your preferences, I would advise you to read the BT Cloud User Guide first.

At the top left of screen next to the (blue or green) syncing icon there is a Folder icon, which opens your PC/Laptop BT Cloud Sync folder.

To the right of the Folder icon is the Web icon, which looks link a Globe, this icon opens the log in page, where you log in using you User name and Password. 

This will open BT Cloud – My Activity.

6 BT Cloud - My Activity - Photos & Videos.jpg
If you have successfully launched using you User Name and Password, you will now be on a page with a Tab at the top called BT Cloud – My Activity.

You should be able to see 9 icons down the left hand side of this page below Search, where you can search for files.

  1. Cloud……………..…….…My Activities Start Screen
  2. Mountain…....…..……….. Photos and Videos (Albums – Favourites)
  3. Musical Quaver…………..Music
  4. Sheet of paper…………...Documents
  5. Folder………………….….All My Files
  6. Balls tied together……….Shared Files
  7. People………………….…Contacts
  8. Bin…………………………Deleted Items
  9. Cog wheel………………Settings

When you arrive on this page you will be at 1. My Activities Start Screen.

To the right there are examples Photos & Videos displayed (if you have any), but also note that at the Bottom Right of these, the last space is occupied by a link to More Photos & Videos.  The right side of the screen is dedicated to Music and Contacts.  The area dedicated to Documents is below the Photos & Videos.

If you choose icon 2. Photos & Videos, this will display two options.

If you choose option A. Albums, this will display all of your Albums, but this can take many seconds (or minutes) depending upon how many there are and how many files the folders contain. It currently takes me 20 seconds as I have over 300 Folders containing a total of more than 20,000 files.

If you choose option B. Favourites, This will display any files that you have chosen to be your Favourites.

If you choose icon 3. Music,

This will display a list of any music files that you have.

If you choose icon 4. Documents,

This will display a list of any document files that you may have.

If you choose icon 5. All My Files,

This will display a list of the origin(s) of your synced files..

If you choose icon 6. Shared Files,

This will display a list of the files that you have chosen to publicly display to others by sending them a file. This is my favourite part of the BT Cloud, and I would be more than pleased to demonstrate it to you. This is not where you create these files, but it is where you can revoke them.

If you choose icon 7. Contacts,

This will display a list of your chosen phone Contacts.

If you choose icon 8. Deleted Items,

This will display a list of your deleted files that you can either restore, or deleted forever.

Finally, if you choose icon 9. Settings,

This will display your personal Account Details and current Cloud Usage.

Let me know when you have looked at these, so we can proceed further.


Message 1123 of 1,226

BT cloud

Has anyone had any feedback or information from BT regarding BT cloud update problem and when/if is liable to be sorted out. They have had several months now and still receive no updates on progress.

0 Ratings
Message 1124 of 1,226

Re: BT cloud


Has anyone had any feedback or information from BT regarding BT cloud update problem and when/if is liable to be sorted out. They have had several months now and still receive no updates on progress.

There is a new version that is still due to be formally released that is currently under test.  Having used it myself, I'm confident that it will work when it is finally released.

0 Ratings
Message 1125 of 1,226

Re: BT cloud

I hope the forthcoming version does work. I tried the current version yesterday and it still is beset with problems (it just stops syncing, as it was doing when all these problems started in December).

0 Ratings
Message 1126 of 1,226

Re: BT cloud


I hope the forthcoming version does work. I tried the current version yesterday and it still is beset with problems (it just stops syncing, as it was doing when all these problems started in December).

Can you tell me what type and size of files you are trying to sync and how many? 

Are you syncing more than one platform with BT Cloud, if so what are they, PC, iPad, Phone, etc.?

Did you open the Dashboard to see the progress of the files being synced, see below:

1 Dashboard Synced.jpg


0 Ratings
Message 1127 of 1,226

Re: BT cloud


I only installed BT Cloud on my desktop computer to try and see if it was working properly. Previously it was installed on my desktop and notebook PCs until December.

Simply it just stops backing up. It starts to work fine when it's first installed but then simply stops doing anything after about 10 minutes. There are thousands of files of varying sizes and types totalling 180GB. I'm not going to put BT Cloud back on my computer again to try it once more but having installed / uninstalled three times on Friday, each with the same outcome, it barely backed up / synced any of that before the green tick appeared on the icon on the taskbar and the status was shown as "synced". It then did nothing else, no further files were uploaded to the cloud. This is what it was doing back in December after the forced update happened. To me it looks like nothing has changed since then. I reverted to using OneDrive back in December to backup my files / sync across devices and will continue to do so until BT Cloud is once again functioning as it used to do.

I did check the dashboard. It showed some files had been backed up and from that it was obvious that the back up had simply stopped. No further files were showing as being backed up / synced.

0 Ratings
Message 1128 of 1,226

Re: BT cloud

If you have several local folders marked for backup to the cloud then in between these folders the status will show as "Synced" when in fact it's between folders. I've noted that if you leave it running it will eventually change the status back to "Syncing" when it eventually gets to the next folder marked for backup that has files that need to be backed up. This is a bit different to how the status showed in the previous working version as it would indicate Syncing until it had finished all folders and files. Can be a little confusing!
Message 1129 of 1,226

Re: BT cloud

It will take a far chunk of time to upload 180GB of data, think I would do that over over a few nights and continue doing this until it has uploaded the whole lot.



0 Ratings
Message 1130 of 1,226

Re: BT cloud

If you have several local folders marked for backup to the cloud then in between these folders the status will show as "Synced" when in fact it's between folders. I've noted that if you leave it running it will eventually change the status back to "Syncing" when it eventually gets to the next folder marked for backup that has files that need to be backed up. This is a bit different to how the status showed in the previous working version as it would indicate Syncing until it had finished all folders and files. Can be a little confusing!

Which BT Cloud Version are you using?  

If you look at the BT Cloud Logs for the time your syncing stopped, they will show you why syncing terminated. 

The Logs also repeatedly tell you when and why the syncing restarts, so you can replicate sync start process yourself.


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