Message 551 of 1,226

Re: BT cloud update

JTS1 can you advise how to sort the sync issue in the tray (keeps coming up with unexpected error so will close application' even after fresh install

Message 552 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud 20.6.1 & Microsoft outlook

@RKM .. wish I had thought of this! Great solution
posted a solution to this very problem on this forum back in February 2018:

If necessary, move the pst file to a non-backed-up location and modify Outlook to use it there. This avoids access conflicts and excessive backup copies. Create a small batch file which runs under the Task Scheduler to run a few in-line commands:

TASKKILL /IM outlook.exe //Close Outlook, if it is already open //
Copy "xxx.pst" "yyy.pst" //Copy the pst (and ost, if using exchange) files to a backed-up location
IF "%Errorlevel%"=="1" then retry step 1
start "" "C:\Program Files\... ...\OUTLOOK.EXE" //Restart Outlook//
Set the Task Scheduler to run this batch file every 4 weeks or so.

The result is that the pst file is backed up once every 4 weeks, instead of every 10 minutes when it gets changed by Outlook. This extends the time to fill the 1TB cloud allocation from 4 days to about 40 years, by which time .pst files will be obsolete and I expect to be backed up on a cloud myself. 💀👻

0 Ratings
Message 553 of 1,226

Re: BT cloud update

I repeat, this Forum is a place to get help and assistance, 

0 Ratings
Message 554 of 1,226

Re: BT cloud update

rorysheridan, I will try to help you, but will need more info from you. Back in your message 513, you mention that you had two machines and one was working. Can you tell me if this is still the case. Also are these machines identical.
0 Ratings
Message 555 of 1,226

Re: BT cloud update

BT are a total disgrace, another day has pasted and they still have done nothing to to get their faulty update withdrawn. It is clear BT customer service is no where to be seen.

 BT need to pull the finger out and get this sorted. 

0 Ratings
Message 556 of 1,226

Re: BT cloud update


BT are a total disgrace, another day has pasted and they still have done nothing to to get their faulty update withdrawn. It is clear BT customer service is no where to be seen.

 BT need to pull the finger out and get this sorted. 

Many have managed to get it working now after the initial few days including myself, the forum moderators have posted a few times explaining the issues. Going back to the old version is not possible and releasing a new version hastily can cause more harm. The latest message said they are working on a fix in the new year which would be the best thing to wait for which this time around they have learnt and tested it thoroughly. 

0 Ratings
Message 557 of 1,226

Re: BT cloud update

The old Beard

Many have managed to get it working now after the initial few days including myself, the forum moderators have posted a few times explaining the issues. Going back to the old version is not possible and releasing a new version hastily can cause more harm. The latest message said they are working on a fix in the new year which would be the best thing to wait for which this time around they have learnt and tested it thoroughly. 


Thanks for the response and information. Why is it not possible to go back to the previous version? Is not possible because the latest update changed that many things that BT are struggling to resolve it?
So BT are going to fix this in the new year! Interesting, timeframe so is that sometime between January and December 2021?

Yes I got it working too in part I had icons that did nothing and one in the bottom tray that did work to a point. Given this was a system update and not a brand new system the update when installed wanted to reload all the data from my computer that was already on the Cloud...so duplicate it. The result of that was it was using all my broadband and my computer became so slow it was useless. I erased the Cloud programme countless times and reinstalled it countless times and the same issues repeated.

In the end I removed the cloud the computer runs fine.

BT customer service is appallingly bad to say the least, we are Customers who pay for a Broadband Package that includes the Cloud and I have not had one single communication to say what BT to highlight their failure and what are doing to resolve the issue. Customer Service is not sometime that BT can boast about here.......to give a timeframe of in the new year is a joke as are the programmers in the Cloud Team!!! 

0 Ratings
Message 558 of 1,226

Re: BT cloud update

Morning.... I realise that you have the 'poisoned chalice' of being a moderator on this forum and respect what you are saying re ' it is for help from other users....

That being said, I am a moderator for another (unrelated forum, nothing to do with technical/computing) so can sympathise in many respects.....but....you have to realsie that (I'd assume) 90% of people having these problems  are not 'qualified' to start running 'command' lines and most wouldn't know what a 'batch file' is, as most are 'customers' suffering from an incompetent 'update' by BT.

Your point re 'BT are not listening to you here'..is a moot one; yes, I realise this forum is for people to 'suggest' help etc...but a) as a moderator do you not have any contact at all with the BT team and b) were you 'appointed' by BT themselevs as a moderator? and c) surely 'someone' at BT would be informed of the outcry re this 'broken' update, (see the myriad commnets re the 'update' etc) if not from  'here' then perhaps by yourself/yourselves, as 'mods', to let them know how 'bad' this is, for most.

You must also realise that we are 'paying' for a service which is not available and, the 1 Tb storgae, is part of the 'contract' with BT (as opposed to a 'freebie' sweetener), then they are in breach of contract.

I am NOT trying to be insulting at all...am simply trying to find out, from 'wherever' what BT's 'plans' are for fixing this obvious huge problem with the Cloud PC client service, and to say 'next year' is franky , insulting.

I have spoken to my music colleague who has a 'high expertise' background in computing/programming and he informs me re the 'Outlook'/.pst 'problem', that no-one should be using Outlook as a 'PC client'; but use the web-based service only, hence eliminating the said .pst vs storage problem. I use Outlook web-based for my/our music comms and he tells me that there is then no problem re the .pst/storage. He also tells me that he has sympathy for you as 'mod' and that so many people 'use' these systems with no 'knowledge' of how they work...which is..in part understandable, but in his opinion, regretable.

The fact is that most will have no idea about the technical aspect of these sort of problems and, quite rightly, expect the thing to 'work'; as most programs seem to these days. But the fact also remains that this is obviously a huge problem from BT and there has been nothing at all from them to 'all' customers directly (as far as I am aware) to say what is being done, and when etc.

PS Your comment re this forum being 'to get help and assistance' is laudable of course; what a shame that it 'seems' to be the only place for that, due to BT's incompetence in sorting the said problem(s) out to a satisfactory conclusion. You must, really, never 'assume' that everyone using BT Cloud or this forum, is a 'programming expert' 🙂

Respect. JD


Message 559 of 1,226

BT Cloud

I used to be able to open BT Cloud from a desktop icon or by typing in thr search bar,  but it doesn't open anymore, when I could open it, it would backup my files automatically, can anyone please help?

0 Ratings
Message 560 of 1,226

Re: BT cloud update

JDybo wrote:  I realise that you have the 'poisoned chalice' of being a moderator on this forum... 90% of people having these problems  are not 'qualified' to start running 'command' lines and most wouldn't know what a 'batch file' is...

I advise you to check the posting attributions in future.  Firstly, as the poster who submitted the suggestion of a batch file, I am NOT a moderator on this forum.

Secondly, it was someone else completely (also not a moderator) who posted that this is a forum "for help from other users".

Thirdly and getting to the topic on hand, suggesting that a batch file is used is not an instruction to do so.  It was a suggested solution which was first made in February 2018  and has worked successfully since then.  If you ain't up to it then don't try it.  You don't have to.  Just the same as being allowed to have a 3 household gathering over Christmas doesn't mean you have to!  

Finally, I suggest you advise your music colleague to stick to crotchets and quavers and remain silent on things like Outlook where he is apparently less than capable.  Outlook, whether the full retail or subscription version, is designed primarily as a PC Client, collecting and delivering mail when connected to the Internet.  There is no need, nor is it advisable, to rely wholly on web based email interfaces which, by definition, are only available when connected to the Internet.