Message 81 of 304

Re: BT Cloud beta client 21.2.3

Using one-sixth of the CPU to do nothing seems like a lot to me.
On my very old laptop when all is backed up and there are no changes, BT Cloud spends most of the time at 0% and occasionally rises to 4%.
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Message 82 of 304

Re: BT Cloud beta client 21.2.3


@JTS1   He said he had uninstalled the app.  When you do that, it does not  delete the C:\Users\usermame\BT Cloud folder. So a subsequent reinstall will create BT Cloud-1 since BT Cloud exists.

Sorry RTL, but who are you referring to?


0 Ratings
Message 83 of 304

Re: BT Cloud beta client 21.2.3

@JTS1   Sorry I didn't make it clear.

 In Post 75 @henryfm  stated "To be sure, I uninstalled the current version of BT Cloud. "

In Post 77 you asked him about the folder:- "You refer to a folder BT Cloud (1), do you have a folder with this name and, if so, is it on all of your PCs?"

 I was trying to point out why he would have a folder of that name on his PC.

0 Ratings
Message 84 of 304

Re: BT Cloud beta client 21.2.3


@JTS1   Sorry I didn't make it clear.

 In Post 75 @henryfm  stated "To be sure, I uninstalled the current version of BT Cloud. "

In Post 77 you asked him about the folder:- "You refer to a folder BT Cloud (1), do you have a folder with this name and, if so, is it on all of your PCs?"

 I was trying to point out why he would have a folder of that name on his PC.

That's OK, I know that you mean well, but it is slightly more complicated than that. 

I'm trying to establish if Henry, first of all has at lease one of his PCs  containing the correct files that he wishes to have on his other PCs and that it has been Synced with the BT Cloud client. 

I'm also trying to find out from him whether there are any redundant files in any his other PCs that were not removed during the first PC's installation.  I was already aware that prior to installing the latest version that his other PCs were still using an older version and that the Files were not in sync with each other.

I have provided him with sufficient information to find all of the Folders and Files on these PCs that are required to be uninstalled and purged, before a reinstallation of the latest version again.



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Message 85 of 304

Re: BT Cloud beta client 21.2.3

Having had 21.2.3 working for a week, installed 5 times on the PC once for each users it has now decided it cant connect to the BT servers I strongly suspect it need to login again but as there is no option to do so, I have tried to force a new installation.


BT when are you going to admit BT CLOUD is not fit for purpose and get some help to fix the problems. Ive worked in Engineering 35 years and never seen such a bodged attempt at an upgrade if you had taken proper precautions you would have allowed customers to roll back to 30/11/2020 position and then fixed the problem. Its time the senior management of BT make a statement .

Message 86 of 304

Re: BT Cloud beta client 21.2.3


Having had 21.2.3 working for a week, installed 5 times on the PC once for each users it has now decided it cant connect to the BT servers I strongly suspect it need to login again but as there is no option to do so, I have tried to force a new installation.


BT when are you going to admit BT CLOUD is not fit for purpose and get some help to fix the problems. Ive worked in Engineering 35 years and never seen such a bodged attempt at an upgrade if you had taken proper precautions you would have allowed customers to roll back to 30/11/2020 position and then fixed the problem. Its time the senior management of BT make a statement .

Steve, if you have had to log on 5 separate accounts on the same PC, there will be an accumulation of information taking place, that has to me removed manually. 

I'm thinking particularly of files such as the Logs, but there are others. 

Are you sure that the C:\Drive is large enough to hold of the accumulated info?


0 Ratings
Message 87 of 304

Re: BT Cloud beta client 21.2.3

it is big enough and this is BTs solution post 30 November when you only had to install one app and it worked for all users. That is the official advice they are giving out  its not great. Still doesn't answer why  cloud has stpopped connecting to the server.

0 Ratings
Message 88 of 304

Re: BT Cloud beta client 21.2.3

I'm trying to establish if Henry, first of all has at lease one of his PCs containing the correct files that he wishes to have on his other PCs and that it has been Synced with the BT Cloud client.

I'm also trying to find out from him whether there are any redundant files in any his other PCs that were not removed during the first PC's installation. I was already aware that prior to installing the latest version that his other PCs were still using an older version and that the Files were not in sync with each other.

I did copy My Documents directly from one PC to the other (the hard way of doing it) with the majority of files skipped, of course. This folder is present on both C:\Users\ username\BT Cloud (the backup folder) and C:\Users\ username\BT Cloudx (the sync folder), on both machines (there being space thanks to recent upgrading on C drives and wanting to have copies of files available in case of misbehaviour of the BT Cloud app).

I have V 21.2.8 on both PCs, but when I set synchronisation going both marked new versions of files as conflict versions, dredging up 10 year old versions as the prime version, so I paused syncing - previously I got the PCs in sync manually, but can't update the versions on the BT Cloud server as that is set in aspic (at least for syncing - can't comment on backup). As the BT Cloud support staff recognise, this is incorrrect, but they can't get the app designers to accept their error.

It took some time to get to this point because when syncing started the app spent a lot of time back-copying old files to each PC (without marking them as conflicts) even though they were already there. Could account for high CPU usage reported elsewhere, doing many unnecessary transfers.



0 Ratings
Message 89 of 304

Re: BT Cloud beta client 21.2.3

For what it's worth.  My cloud software seemed to be missing files and folders when it synced.  I cleared all my files from the server using the web interface and downloaded the Beta version.  All seemed well until it got to my video folder.  It stalled after only one sub folder and nothing I could do would restart it.  (Even after two days of leaving the computer on and the Cloud App running).   I removed the desktop app, restarted my computer and downloaded v20.6.1 from the web page - it immediately started syncing the missed files.  I anxiously await a version where everything works properly and gives me some confidence in this facility.

0 Ratings
Message 90 of 304

Re: BT Cloud beta client 21.2.3


For what it's worth.  My cloud software seemed to be missing files and folders when it synced.  I cleared all my files from the server using the web interface and downloaded the Beta version.  All seemed well until it got to my video folder.  It stalled after only one sub folder and nothing I could do would restart it.  (Even after two days of leaving the computer on and the Cloud App running).   I removed the desktop app, restarted my computer and downloaded v20.6.1 from the web page - it immediately started syncing the missed files.  I anxiously await a version where everything works properly and gives me some confidence in this facility.

How large is your Video file?


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