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Message 1 of 2

BT Cloud not backing up MS Office documents

This is "Backup", not "Sync"

BT Cloud has stopped backing up my Word and Excel files properly.  This seems to have happened around 16 March going by the timestamps on the cloud copies of files I edit regularly.

Summary: edits are only backed up if the edits are saved on exit, not if they are manually saved.

I list below what I have found; I tried different things because I thought I had noticed that new files were backed up properly on subsequent edit, but I must have imagined it.

  1. If I edit a document and save it, then the changes are not backed up.
  2. If I edit a document, save it and then close the document, then the changes are not backed up.
  3. If I edit a document then close it and save on exit, then the changes are (mostly) backed up.
    (But it is hard to monitor this because the "backup log" no longer adds a new entry at the top for each transfer if there is already a log entry displayed; it just updates the timestamp of the existing log entry and does not move it to the top of the display).
  4. If I "save as" a document, then the new file is not backed up.
    Subsequent edits are then processed as 1-3 above.
  5. If I copy a file and paste in another folder, then the new file is backed up.
  6. If I rename a file, then the renamed file is backed up.
  7. If I edit a copied or renamed file, then edits are then processed as 1-3 above.
  8. If I edit a text file (.txt) with Notepad or TextPad and save it, then the changes are backed up.
  9. If I edit a text file (.txt) with Word and save it, then sometimes the changes are backed up; other times the behaviour is as 1-3 above.

Additional info: I initially thought the problems were only for one folder/sub folders where the total contents were over 11,000 files and 400 subfolders but investigation has shown that it applies to all folders marked for backup.  I found that new files were not being backed up under that folder.
I have reduced this to about 3,000 files by deleting the help files that were provided in every language known to man for one application.
I also deleted the backup from the cloud in the hope that it would fix the problem by re-synching.

Anyone else experienced this?

Anyone know how to fix this?

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Message 2 of 2

Re: BT Clout not backing up MS Office documents


I have raised a separate issue about photos not being recognised as valid image files in BT Cloud and this appears to be caused by BT Cloud accepting photo.jpg as a valid image file and photo.JPG as in unsupported file. 

That is BT CLOUD doesn't like photo files with the file extension in UPPERCASE and this is something that has recently happened.

Not sure if this is the same as your issue.




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