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Message 11 of 13

Re: BT Premium Phone - Answer Phone Problem (doesn't disconnect)

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Our does this too, BT FTTP, BT phone, BT answer machine. Always seems to be cold scam type callers where this happens. The worry is this completely blocks my phone line for in and out calls until I power down the answer machine. I cannot find a solution other than to stop using the answer machine. Did anybody find a solution? Thank you.

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Message 12 of 13

Re: BT Premium Phone - Answer Phone Problem (doesn't disconnect)

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I bought my Premium Phone 3 handset in May 2021 and have intermittently been having the exact same issue with the answering machine. I reckon it has happened around 5 times in total and every time it leaves my phone unable to receive incoming calls, although the caller will hear a normal ringing tone while my phone does not ring. Another consequence of this happening when I am out of the house is that all 3 of my handsets batteries go completely flat.

To get my phones working again the answering machine needs to be cleared, but this is not initially easy because the machine will not alow me access to the answering machine to clear it. I have used a variety of methods including disconnecting the power, restoring to factory settings, and simply fiddling about with it until it gives me acces to the answering machine to enable me to clear it.

It has been suggested that the problem lies with the calling parties service this may or may not be true, but the real issue is my phones ability to deal with this, which it clearly is not. I have been using various BT multi handset with answering machines for many years and this Premium Phone is the first one to have this issue. The most recent time this problem happeend was 3 days ago when my friend called me and tried to leave a message. I make and receive calls from his number almost daily and he has left messages in the past without a problem.

The problem absolutely lies with this phone and I have no confidence in it anymore.


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Message 13 of 13

Re: BT Premium Phone - Answer Phone Problem (doesn't disconnect)

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I have just bought a BT Premium 3 handset package and having the exact same problem. Like the above message, i have been using the same provider of phone line / internet, who is in fact BT, for years with various other walk about handsets and answering machine and never had this problem before. It does this when rang from mobiles or other landlines. it does not hang up after the call has ended and then blocks the line. Only way to clear it is to unplug the power to the answering machine. But of course, you don't know that the line is unobtainable, by another caller, unless someone tells you  or you try to dial out.

I dont believe this is anything but the phone that has the problem. Does anybody have a definitive answer? Very disappointed by this system.

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