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Message 21 of 24

Re: BT SPORT APP - error code VC019

I have a Samsung 4K tv and have the same issue. I can stream live content OK, it is just the replays of older content that won't stream. To get around the issue, I have plugged an amazon fire 4k stick into the TV, and it streams all the content fine. So I think it is something with the app on the samsung TV, and unlikely to be a WiFi or router issue. 

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Message 22 of 24

Re: BT SPORT APP - error code VC019

Very strange @kpm99
The error being returned is specifically "connection failed". Have you checked for software updates recently? I'm wondering if maybe there's an issue with the certificate list on your TV that it maybe doesn't like the certificate on the server our replays and clips comes from? I've asked the Samsung dev team if they have any other ideas.
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Message 23 of 24

Re: BT SPORT APP - error code VC019

The tv checks for updates automatically and seems to be running the most up to date software.

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Message 24 of 24

Re: BT SPORT APP - error code VC019


I have exactly the same issue. Samsung tv worked fine for 2 years now no catchup, replays, on demand.
Other devices in house work fine.
Spoke with bt today - they blamed EE.
Spoke with EE - no ideas - point finger at Samsung.
Tried to get any of them to track a login like you seem to have done. Noone interested.
Total reset of TV undertaken and obviouslt bt app. I have firestick on projecter and this works on same home wifi along with phones & laptop so the issue seems to be purely samsung related.
Really think BTSport & Samsung should be resolving as thye wont bother with listening to me. I see it that app is developed for a platform and upto app provider to ensure it worls on a platform - if not liaise and fix withthe platform so your product works.

Can you help and track login to see if it throws up any ideas ?
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