Message 1 of 5

Broadband speed test

I ran a BT speed test as my Internet was slow and it gave a download speed of 56Mbps.  I then used the Ofcom speed test which gave 0.7Mbps.  I reset the BT hub and ran both tests again, BT gave 56Mbps and Ofcom 36Mbps.   From the results it looks like the BT test was not reflecting the true speed as there was no change before and after reset whereas the Ofcom test did.  My minimum guaranteed download speed is 43Mbps and normal speed should be between 49/50 so the BT test has me above and Ofcom below.  Can anyone explain why this might be?  

My hub is wired directly into the master socket and no other devices were using the network while I ran the tests.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Broadband speed test

btspeedtester run on BT network unlike others which leave the BT network  there is no guarantee on download speeds as all speeds quoted by BT are connection speeds

try running


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Message 3 of 5

Re: Broadband speed test

How were you performing the tests, wired or wireless?

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Message 4 of 5

Re: Broadband speed test

The hub is always directly connected to the socket, it’s the device running the speed test that needs to be wired to the hub , not wireless ( WiFi) so usually a laptop or desktop PC with an Ethernet connection, rather than a tablet or mobile phone.

BT won’t take any notice of a third party tester, why should they, these testers are usually OK, but hardly the final arbiter of if a service is delivering, if you think about it , switching sites want you to change providers so have a vested interest in showing anyone’s current provider in a poor light , otherwise why switch ?, Ofcoms ’raison d’etre’ is also to encourage switching.

Post your router connection stats

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Message 5 of 5

Re: Broadband speed test

Originally did the test wireless. Did it wired this morning and results were consistent for both testers. Everything OK.
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