Message 1 of 2

Bt tv essentials package

Last year we changed our BT package to a basic essential ( due to lockdown and no work)

Over the last 6 months we have lost every channel that we did benefit from and now all we get apart from freeview is AMC. This has been confirmed today on chat with BT that all we get for 7 quid a month is AMC which we never watch.

So we arre being charged 7 quid a month just for AMC by their own admission but want 125.00 to cancel the contract ! 

Anyone else had this. ?

Talk about a package miss-sold. Im led to believe that AMC is free and if we were a new customer the package is only 5 quid.

Our box is 6 years old and often freezes and fails to record but after many calls they will not replace! 

Next time i will just buy a BT box from amazon and run the free version. My daughter does this and we have checked comparative channels and its only AMC, so appears a scam by BT

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Bt tv essentials package

Essential has only ever included AMC and Freeview, along with access to the BT Store, support and warranty of the box breaks.

If you've lost content then you don't have Essential.

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