I have the following services provided by BT: landline, mobile, broadband (FTTC), sport (app). Watching the sport app has become progressively more frustrating to the extent it buffers, goes fuzzy and/or stops completely, especially at the end of each half of a match. I'd just assumed that it was more and more traffic on the fibre to the cabinet. However, we watched the England vs Tonga match on Amazon Prime last Saturday and it was fine - very stable - so I'm beginning to think the issue may be further 'upstream' ie with the BT Sport connection to the internet. Has anyone else experienced this frustration with BT Sport over the internet (as opposed to Sky satellite box). It's getting to the point where I might just ditch BT completely and take up watching paint dry.
@Pedr057 Which device(s) are you experiencing issues with when watching BT Sport ?
Iphone 6s- for both bt sport and Amazon prime.
Sorry - both phones are iPhone 6s plus