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Message 1 of 4

Calling using Amazon Echo?

This probably has a very simple answer but as it isn't clear and there is a logical reason why it should be possible, I thought I'd ask here. Surely I can't be the only one that's wondered if it's possible. 

As BT own EE, and you can link your monthly contract EE mobile to Alexa to make calls directly from the speaker, are you able to do the same on BT Mobile?

I'm expecting a no, but it would be a useful feature to me, and one that I can't see any reason not to happen, as BT Mobile users shouldn't be left behind EE here, especially as they're both owned by the same parent company.

If not, are there any plans to enable such a feature in future?




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Message 2 of 4

Re: Calling using Amazon Echo?

it has nothing to do with who your mobile phone company is but is controlled by the Alexa app on your phone and if that is linked to your main alexa account then you should be able to make voice calls

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Calling using Amazon Echo?

Just checked my Alexa, I can only see the ability to connect EE & Vodafone currently.

Tried the EE connections option because EE is part of BT, but got the following at step 1

Sorry we were unable to process your request, this service is only available to EE customers. If you have recently joined EE it can take up to 48hrs before we can service your text request. If you continue to receive this message please call us on 150.

Guess it can’t be done yet 

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Calling using Amazon Echo?

@TheRealBudski BT Mobile is positioned as a budget mobile phone service and EE is the premium product. So full functionality will not be available across the two brands as it would put them in direct competition and damage the value of each brand. 

If you want Alexa calling functionality, you'll need to move to a full EE mobile package.

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