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Message 1 of 2

Can I reduce cost of Halo 1 by removing BT Sport?

I currently paid £55.99 a month for the Halo 1 package. At the moment BT Sport (non HD) is included but I never really watch it. Can I reduce cost of Halo 1 by removing BT Sport? Is it possible to remove it? Online I can't remove it and when I try to manage it I am just told that the HD channels can't be delivered to me, with no further options available. I currently use the Phone, Broadband and the Cloud (as it is included so I no longer have to pay for DropBox)


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Message 2 of 2

Re: Can I reduce cost of Halo 1 by removing BT Sport?

BT Sport is a seperate product, removing it will have no bearing on the cost you pay for broadband or any other BT service.
You can't remove it online, you would need to contact the Loyalty or Value team on 0800 800 150, give 30 days notice or see what offers are available to keep it and reduce the costs.

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