I am at the end of my tether here with the service from BT, no Broadband for more than 6 weeks waiting for fault to be fixed since 26 June, including original fault being set to fixed when it wasn't, finally engineer comes 7th Aug and fixed the fault. Having been billed for this whole period I am not happy to say the least, evidently the automatic compensation was cancelled due to Covid (how convenient !!) there is no way to log a complaint by email or online, the phone number has different options non of which are to log a complaint. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Hi @ShellyR Retro I know, but how about writing a letter. https://www.bt.com/help/complaints
Hi @ShellyR,
Welcome back to the Community.
I'm sorry to hear that you have had a really poor experience. I can understand why you would like to raise a complaint. The Mod team would be happy to take a look into complaint for you. We are really busy at the moment so it might take us 4-5 days to pick up your case but it would be quicker than a letter. I've sent you a Private Message with details on how you can get in contact with the mod team.