We've been having an annoying problem for a long time now. Every time it rains our connection drops. When we received a new hub a while back I thought that may fix it but there was no change which ruled the Hub out of causing the problem
I did see an old thread on a similar issue but apart from testing the phone line for noise when it rains (which I have done and there is no noise) didn't contain much information to help, I think they got direct help.
Also as a secondary issue the Broadband speed has dropped below the Stay Fast speed and is now nearly at the same speed as upload
can you post the stats from your router (if hub enter in your browser) and if HH5 then go to troubleshooting then helpdesk and if HH6/SH2 then advanced settings then technical log information
Is your phone line still silent on quiet line test?
enter your phone number and post results remember to delete number https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ADSL
Someone may then be able to offer help/assistance/suggestions to your problem
BT Hub 6A
0 Days, 0 Hours 51 Minutes 52 Seconds
15.00 Mbps / 22.40 Mbps
21763 / 72245
10 dB / 19.8 dB
29.9 dB
18.8 dB / 29.9 dB
Fast Path
65 MB Uploaded / 193 MB Downloaded
Smart (Channel 11)
Smart (Channel 36)
WPA2 (Recommended)
Mode 1
Quiet line test is still silent
Probably needs a drop wire change.
Connection time only 51min is that due to rain or hub just dropping connection or manual reset?
That was from after the last time it disconnected when it rained.
has been on and off today with the rain