My BT Smart Hub is no longer updating DDNS with It used to work fine until recently. Is it working for anyone else? Known problem?
I first saw the problem after a power-cycle of the router and - I guess - a new external IP address. I don't known when the DDNS service last worked (I wouldn't notice unless the IP address changed).
When I check the admin interface I see "Service status: Error". Refreshing the page doesn't fix it, restarting the router doesn't fix it, power-cycling the router doesn't fix it. I can't see anything of relevance in the logs.
I've confirmed my credentials on on both the web interface and by calling the DDNS API directly. I also recreated the settings on the router with a new password and that still failed.
$ curl -u name@domain:password ""
200 Successful Update
Given I can update my IP address from the command line there's no immediate impact, though it would be good to get this working again.
Thanks -- Peter
BT Hub 6A
This has been mentioned before.
Many DDNS providers now use secure HTTPS connections, which the home hub does not appear to support, according to other posts on this forum.
The one you are using must have recently changed to HTTPS. You could always ask them, or look on their website.