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Message 1 of 7

Dailing tone but then phone disconnects after dialing the area code

So we bought an house in November - didnt move in straight away - but the previous owner forgot to have phone and internet disconnected  - which contined to work for a few weeks after they moved out

It eventually got stopped just before Christmas.

We moved into the property last week and had BT connect the broadband and phone line on our moving in day

The broadband works - but the phone line does not

We get a dialing tone, but when you start to dial the number after you dial the area code - the line goes dead (long continious tone) - phoned BT who said there was a problem at the exchange which would be fixed that day.

Next day comes  - phone line still not working  - so phoned BT again who advised the problem had been fixed !

They are saying it must be a problem with our equipment - but we have changed nothing other than the router. Previous owners had an old dreytrek router which we replaced with the BT hub.

I dont understand how it can be a problem with the equipment when we have not changed anything - the phones the previous owners used are still there and plugged in  - they were working before so why not now

Does anyone have any suggestions - BT what to send someone out and charge me £85.00


Incidently we live in an area with no mobile phone signal so need to rely on the landline to contact anyone - each time I phoned BT about the problem I had to drive for 2 miles to get a signal to phone them


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Message 2 of 7

Re: Dailing tone but then phone disconnects after dialing the area code

were you transferring your old number to your new home?

which master socket do you have

Keith_Beddoe_0-1577035081757.jpegMaster socket types.jpeg

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Message 3 of 7

Re: Dailing tone but then phone disconnects after dialing the area code

Hi no we have moved to a different area code so a completely new number - new house has socket 7 installed

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Message 4 of 7

Re: Dailing tone but then phone disconnects after dialing the area code

try unclipping the front - no screws - then connect phone to test socket and see if that works

you will not be charged for engineer call out if the problem is outside your home and nothing to do with internal wiring

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Message 5 of 7

Re: Dailing tone but then phone disconnects after dialing the area code

Ok thanks will try that 

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Message 6 of 7

Re: Dailing tone but then phone disconnects after dialing the area code

Hi did that plugged the phone into the test socket and I am still getting ths same issue - dialing tone - then call cuts off after I dial the area code - does this mean a fault with the line or the equipment ?
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Message 7 of 7

Re: Dailing tone but then phone disconnects after dialing the area code

You could try dialing 17070 and see if the number read back is the one you are expecting, the AVR is something like, ‘this circuit is defined as 01***,******’

Try dialing 150 and see if you get a customer service representative from BT.

Did you get ‘Digital Voice’ instead or regular PSTN telephony, if that’s the case the phone plugs into the router , not the old telephone socket.

If all else fails , report the line out of service to BT , if you use your mobile, calls to BT 0800 numbers are free, AFAIK, the number is 0800800150 .

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