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Device settings disappear on BT Whole Home

Anyone able to help with a problem I’m having with the Bedtime settings and access control for the Whole Home discs?

If I set a particular device (son’s laptop) with a bedtime restriction, or put it in a group, it will show as restrictions applied but then later (not sure when) it has forgotten that setting and he can access internet whenever. 
He has worked out that by changing the time on the laptop he can override the machine time restriction so want to back this up with an internet block. He is autistic so ‘just parenting’ or taking the laptop away isn’t a viable option without having a massive argument every night and he hasn’t grasped why being online all night isn’t a good thing during the school week. 

trying to find a solution that doesn’t involve resetting all the discs and starting again with working out which MAC address belongs to which device and applying all the groups/settings again. 


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