Message 1 of 7

Digital Voice adapters

In May we were transferred to Digital Voice and the new digital phone works very well. To enable older phones to work I bought from BT two adapters. linked them to the Hub, moved them to power points and plugged in the existing phones as instructed. This worked well for a while but then friends kept saying our landline was permanently engaged. The adapter (in our bedroom) had started to blink and once I unplugged it (this rendering the bedroom phone useless) the problem with the engaged signal went away. I have re-linked the adapter to the Hub on several occasions, it works for a while (a day, sometimes a week) and then the problem returns. I called BT Digital Voice, they offered to send a Home Tech expert for free. He saw no problems with the way I had set up the network but did re-boot the Hub to update it. He also saw that the adapter in our bedroom was blinking.

He tested the signal strength. At the Hub it was about 80, in the dining room where the adapter works it was about 60, and in the bedroom where the adapter would not work properly it was 70 - still a very good speed. He concluded the adapter was faulty and BT sent a free replacement. It worked well for about a week and has now started blinking and causing the engaged tone so I have unplugged it.

Has anyone any idea why the adapter in the bedroom, which is in the room directly about the Hub and has a very fast download speed, is not staying in link with the Hub?


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Message 2 of 7

Re: Digital Voice adapters


The adapters connect to the home hub using DECT not WIFI, so measuring the Wi-Fi strength is meaningless.

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Message 3 of 7

Re: Digital Voice adapters

Does the DV phone work well in room where adapter has problems?  If phone is ok then that suggest the dect signal is good so maybe another cause  have you tried different phone.

Don you have base calls set to multi or single?


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Message 4 of 7

Re: Digital Voice adapters

I asked the Home Tech expert and he assured me that they used a WiFi signal! I must admit we were not very impressed with him but this seems an appalling lack of knowledge. Have you any idea what might be causing the problem and how it might be overcome?


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Message 5 of 7

Re: Digital Voice adapters

The DV phone definitely use DECT not WiFi so not much of a tech expert

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Message 6 of 7

Re: Digital Voice adapters

I have just tried the new digital phone in the bedroom and it works well - I think I tried this when the problems first started - and I have tried putting the adapter I know to be working up there and various phone combinations but eventually they lose signal. The base is set to multi call.

If I bought another digital phone would it be more likely to work properly rather than an adapter paired to an older phone?


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Message 7 of 7

Re: Digital Voice adapters

can you not try putting the DV phone where the adapter is either connect old phone to back of hub or connect adapter and phone nearer hub and see if still adapter problems.

If with multi then you have 2 lines so if one in use/engaged one of other phones should still ring

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