Message 1 of 3

FTTPoD Fibre on Demand

I'd like some advice on how to engage BT for Fibre on Demand or FTTPoD.  I've investigated my UPRN on https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ADSL/UprnHome (results below) and https://www.openreach.com/fibre-broadband/fibre-first#FibrecheckerX (No planned fibre).

I've raised a Community Fibre Partnership request as a result which seems to be the only option available to me.  

There is FTTC in the immediate area (cabinet at either end of the road) with nearby properties able to access reasonable broadband speeds. There are fibre cables overhead on the pole at the entrance to the premise but when I've raised  FTTPoD/FoD request through one of the listed providers they returned saying that they cannot get a quote for this premise. 

I'd like recommendations on how to get the status of the UPRN reviewed and get the suitability/costs for FOD assessed?  I also noted that there is a Broadband USO.  When I check the minimum speeds at the property it shows 2Mbps, but a range from 5-10Mbps, therefore when I check the USO it states that USO is not applicable.  Surely, if I can't actually get 10Mbps and that is the top of the range possible then the USO does apply.  Is it possible to have the status reviewed?



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Message 2 of 3

Re: FTTPoD Fibre on Demand


FTTPoD is a very expensive business product, so unless you are running a business, you are not going to be able to get this installed. 

The  Community Fibre Partnership would be your best option.

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Message 3 of 3

Re: FTTPoD Fibre on Demand

BT Consumer don’t offer the Openreach product FTTPod , if you were interested in using that product you would have to engage with an ISP that does arrange OR FTTPod, a search will find those ISP that do offer this, but they tend to be smaller, niche providers, but the process is the ISP requests a ballpark estimate for the location from OR , this may be tempting enough for you to pay a non returnable fee for a contractual estimate for the network built, proceed one the true cost is known , the survey fee is deducted from the  cost

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