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Message 11 of 14

Re: Fttp just pausing for 3/5 seconds every now and then. Anyway to stop it?

My hub loss is at around 0.1 so I'm not sure that's really an issue for me personally. I've been searching around for answers and even the 177 IP is apparently supposed to block incoming requests which explains the high packet loss I guess?

I'm stumped tbh. The strangest thing is that my friend who lives a street away was having a problem very similar to this about four days ago. He put it down to a faulty router and just whipped out his replacement one, he's been fine ever since. It would be quite the coincidence that my router would have a fault so closely after his.

I'm going to see if I have an old replacement I can use, might just be my router having a fault. As for alternative routers, I'm not sure, I'd probably use Google to look for recommendations. I hear TP-LINK is pretty decent. I'm not a fan of D-LINK routers due to bad experiences with them in the past (though...I was with TalkTalk).

[Edit] However I should clarify that a different router should not be necessary. If you've had the halo less than a year you could probably contact BT for a replacement. Good news is I found my old router so I'm going to test that in a few hours once the household is asleep. Should narrow down the list of suspects. 

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Message 12 of 14

Re: Fttp just pausing for 3/5 seconds every now and then. Anyway to stop it?

So after testing using the test socket, a different router and different cables, the problem still persists. I'm convinced this is a problem on BT's end at this point. Whether they'll admit that is however, is another question.

I have been in contact with them via twitter and they have done a test, but haven't had the results of that back yet. At the very least I can rule out internal wiring and my router as problems. Any luck with you? Have things returned to normal?
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Message 13 of 14

Re: Fttp just pausing for 3/5 seconds every now and then. Anyway to stop it?

No, still having random pauses. Changed all wiring. Ran with no devices for hours. Even rang a ping test from pc to hub for a day and had only 1 packet loss lol. So it's got to be from the osd(fibre wall box) onwards

I'll try a full factory default when I get some time. Nursing a sick dog at mo. 




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Message 14 of 14

Re: Fttp just pausing for 3/5 seconds every now and then. Anyway to stop it?

After speaking extensively with BT on twitter I might've found my culprit. Turns out that I could have a wireless device that's gone rogue and is causing my entire network to briefly disconnect constantly. My money is on my old TP-LINK wireless adapter hooked into my PC.

I tested by removing all my devices bar my PS5 on my network and then just waiting in a 1-man party for it to kick me out. Didn't kick me out (and still hasn't) for close to an hour now. I'll be doing further testing in the evening to see if this is the case or if I'm just having a period of luck without disconnects. Either way, I'll let you know.

Aw, wishing the best for your dog.

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