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Message 1 of 3

In future, will openreach be able to install the cabling for Persimmons homes?


I have recently moved to a new home which the developer is Persimmon Homes. After I realised Fibrenest is not part of Openreach/BT which means majority of other providers/services which also uses the BT cabling is unavailable in my area.


My question/concern, Once the site is completed and the area is owned by the local authority. Will there be a chance of Openreach to install the cabling . As far as I am aware, there is a fibrenest socket hardwired to the wall. I really prefer to have Openreach than Fibrenest.

The last thing I want  is when persimmons leaves the site and it will only be Fibrenest forever on the area for fibre connection.If anyone could advise on this.

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Message 2 of 3

Re: In future, will openreach be able to install the cabling for Persimmons homes?


You would have to ask Openreach. This is jus a BT Retail Customer forum.

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Message 3 of 3

Re: In future, will openreach be able to install the cabling for Persimmons homes?

As already stated not really a ‘BT Consumer’ issue, but developments like some Persimmon ones , where they in effect install their own ducts /foot way boxes etc, and then provide a connection from their own ‘in house’ provider are ( in my opinion ) not that likely to get any Openreach infrastructure unless Fibrenest are subject to the same PIA ( passive infrastructure access  ) as  OR  , in other words OR are allowed to put their cables into Fibrenest ducts and boxes, otherwise the chances are it would never be a good economic proposition.

It usually takes a  couple of years between Persimmon passing responsibility for the paths and roads to the local council , ( that’s when another provider could if they wanted start digging up the paths etc ) the chances are,  that those that wanted  a fibre connection will have signed up to Fibrenest , and provided that Fibrenest keep the prices similar to the average , then what provider would commit to a separate duct and cable network in the hope they get some Fibrenest customers to switch.

There may well be lots of these local monopolies in the future, some developers are locking out other company’s ( like OR and VM ) when the groundwork is being done , pretty much leaving the buyers of the property with no real choice once they move in.

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