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Message 1 of 22

Issues setting up a TP Link Archer VR600 as Modem/Router

I'm having trouble setting up my new modem/router that I have just bought to replace my 3rd BT Smart Hub. After receiving it today and expecting an easy set up like everybody else I'm having issues connecting to the Internet 🙄 


I've followed the set up instructions for both BT VDSL as my old hub listed the connection as being, and ADSL just in case but still no luck.

I've used the standard "" and "bt" username and password as well, I've tried more times than I can count now after factory resetting multiple times.


Can someone please help, I definitely don't have superfast fibre as we don't even have proper fibre here yet 🥴 

Thanks for your help

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Message 2 of 22

Re: Issues setting up a TP Link Archer VR600 as Modem/Router


It should be very easy.

Have you plugged the grey DSL lead that came with the router, into your microfilter, or the filtered socket, if you have that type?

Do you have a VDSL or an ADSL connection?

Does the DSL light come on?

What does the status page show?

Can you confirm that its this model you have?


Message 3 of 22

Re: Issues setting up a TP Link Archer VR600 as Modem/Router

Hi Keith, thanks for your reply,

I have plugged in both the new DSL Lead into the master socket and also tried the old one just in case.

According to the old homehub advanced page, I have a VDSL connection, and I'm pretty sure that the light is on, however its either the flashing light or the red one, I'd assume the red one 😕

Yes that's the model that I have, I'm really hoping that this is an easy fix or that I've just missed something somewhere

Thanks again

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Message 4 of 22

Re: Issues setting up a TP Link Archer VR600 as Modem/Router

It must be something really basic that you have missed, as its very easy to setup if you follow the setup wizard.

Perhaps someone with that model can assist?

What speed Internet connection do you have?

Message 5 of 22

Re: Issues setting up a TP Link Archer VR600 as Modem/Router

Thats what I'm hoping, but I've been through nearly everything. I've seen other people have issues but its usually cause by them having superfast broadband or choosing the wrong setup mode.

As for speed, I usually only get around 12mbps, but can go up to around 20 when I'm lucky.

This is pretty much my last resort as I've been searching for about 3 hours now for a possible fix and the house is currently without Internet so I have an unhappy family 🤣

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Message 6 of 22

Re: Issues setting up a TP Link Archer VR600 as Modem/Router

Does the home hub still work?

If so, put that back until you can figure out what you were doing wrong.

The status screen should show something similar to the one on this post, by someone using the same router.

But your speed would be slower.

Message 7 of 22

Re: Issues setting up a TP Link Archer VR600 as Modem/Router

The old hub still works, it just disconnects after around 30 minutes, the other 2 I've had also did the same thing hence why I got a new one.

The status screen shows that the DSL connection is initializing constantly until it gives up and fails, I'm guessing that I'm on the correct setup mode, as ADSL for example will just fail instantly. Apologises, I forgot to include the status screen info in my last post

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Message 8 of 22

Re: Issues setting up a TP Link Archer VR600 as Modem/Router

@tjb1508 wrote:

The old hub still works, it just disconnects after around 30 minutes, the other 2 I've had also did the same thing hence why I got a new one.


Then you have a problem with your phone line, if the home hub disconnects.

Is there any noise on your phone calls? Dial 17070 and select option 2, there should be no noise between the announcements.

Message 9 of 22

Re: Issues setting up a TP Link Archer VR600 as Modem/Router

Thats what I thought, but BT report no issues with the line and there is no noise when using that service, its pretty much crystal clear. I checked last night for a line issue using BT's line checker tool and it came back clear, and I also checked for noise last night and just now but still nothing 😕

Mabye I'll try again tomorrow after work and hope that it works this time

Thanks for your help tonight,


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Message 10 of 22

Re: Issues setting up a TP Link Archer VR600 as Modem/Router

Possibly a bad connection somewhere, as more than one home hub would not fail.