Message 1 of 2

Mass deletion

I have a very large number of emails in my inbox many of which I want to delete.  I sorted them by sender but then found that the sequence within sender was random. Can I sort by date within sender? And if i click the selection box at the top of the screen, how many emails are selected?

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Mass deletion

First question: No.

Second question:  50. If you want to delete more click on the box to the left of the first email you want to delete and assuming you want to delete all the emails that are below that you can either press on your keyboard  "shift" key and "PgDn" key repeatedly and it will mark all the other emails with a tick or use the "shift" key and the down arrow. This will also mark all the boxes with a tick or tick the first box you want to delete and holding the shift key move to the last email you want to delete and tick its box and release the shift key. All the emails in between should now be ticked.

If you don't all the emails that have been marked with a tick deleted you need to go down the list and untick the ones you want to keep.

Once you have done that you then click on the "Delete" button in the menu bar and if that doesn't work try and drag and drop them into the trash folder.

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