I had BT installed recently and during the stabilisation period the connection for online gaming was great. My speed was 40mb down and 18 up with a ping of around 25ms.
Now that the line has stabilised after 10 days, the speed has increased to 76mb and the ping decreased to 6ms but now my connection for online gaming is terrible. For example when playing games like call of duty, even if I shoot people first, I still get killed in half the time.
Now I know what you’re thinking - it’s a server issue etc BUT this wasn’t happening before the line stabilised (when the speed was 40mb and ping 25ms). I’ve had BT before where I was on BT infinity 2 and was only get 30 meg down the line and 30ms ping but it never changed after 10 days, it always remained like this and gaming was perfectly fine.
I think that I’m suffering from packet loss now that the line he stabilised but if the DLM is so ‘smart’ then why am I having this issue? It’s truly frustrating playing online when I’m at an unfair advantage.
is there anyway to make the line fully rate adaptive again or change the path data is sent? I’ve checked on ping plotter and before the stabilisation period there was no packet loss and now after the stabilisation period, ping plotter does show packet loss.
could it maybe be that wiring needs changing? We only have 1 master socket in the property nevertheless maybe the socket is causing the DLM to give us a bad profile?
Pls help. Thank you
Could you post a screenshot of the pingplotter result?
Do you have another router connected to the Hub?
@pippincp is the BT BRAS which has a private address.
I was looking at DumaOS LAN which amongst others is used for a Netgear Nighthawk router.
So Any idea how to deal with my issue?
Would you like to answer my question first?