Message 1 of 2

Possible to upgrade from Fibre 2 to Full Fibre 100 without Halo 3 ?


Currently on FTTP Fibre 2 and my contract ends in March. I am getting renewal reminder emails from BT and when I check my offers all the speed increase offers include Halo 3, apart from staying as I am on Fibre 2.

I do not want or need Halo 3.

If I do a switch site postcode check there are BT offers for Full Fibre 100 without Halo 3 listed at a reasonable price but I cannot find them on the BT site and a call to sales on 150 is only offering me the Halo 3 packages as well.

Is there any way for renewal customers to obtain these 'New' customer packages/offers ?

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Possible to upgrade from Fibre 2 to Full Fibre 100 without Halo 3 ?

I'm not fussed about Halo 3 or its dubious 'benefits' either but according to My Offers I can renew now at £2.00 a month less than I'm currently paying.

This would involve me trading Complete Wi-Fi  (which I can manage without) for the surplus to requirements Halo 3 in a clear case of swings and roundabouts

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