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Message 71 of 110

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C Early Adopter now live

Since changing the line lease to infinite mine have been solid. 7 Days uptime as of now, but i had 8 days prior to steam iron tripping the electric (Iron now been replaced) this started the uptime from zero again. i have no way to say it would now be 15days uptime but i will report back when / if i do reach 15days uptime. What i can say is my discs prior to changing the lease time would reboot master disc every couple of days so a definite improvement.

When lease was renewed it seem to cause a kernel panic so the disc could not send or receive ism to other discs so forced a reboot after heath check to try and correct its own issue, so now lease is not renewed it seems to have stopped this for me anyway. something to note, i use 2 discs with ethernet backhaul and 1 wireless backhaul, not sure if the 2 ethernet backhauls are causing the problem.

not had time since to check logs but as i stated as yet not seen a single master reboot since changing line lease here.


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Message 72 of 110

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C Early Adopter now live

Using firmware 20832C with almost 24 days continuous up time on the primary/master disc.  Running entirely over wifi, i.e. no Ethernet backhaul between disks, router’s default 1 day lease time on DHCP, haven’t cleared the data usage stats either.  Occasional reboots of remote discs which went unnoticed, 2 at 22 days uptime, 1 at 18 days, 1 at 5 days, 1 at 12 hours.  It’s certainly the most stable firmware to date for me.

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Message 73 of 110

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C Early Adopter now live


Seemed to be going well - but then the discs stopped passing almost all data entirely. 

DHCP was still passing through, but nothing else


A restart of all discs "fixed" the problem. I'd really like to get rid of them....but it is 6 discs from various suppliers some time ago, so is quite an investment to write off 😞 

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Message 74 of 110

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C Early Adopter now live

I was in the same position when the BT Complete WiFi (black Smart Hub 2) discs that I'd bought on ebay (brand new) started playing up and needing a forced power reset every few days. They are still in a box in a cupboard.

Fortunately, BT took back the white Whole Home discs that I bought from BT store for a full refund.
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Message 75 of 110

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C Early Adopter now live

BT contacted me and now have my findings, hopefully they can replicate my findings there end and are able to fix the lease line issue within the firmware.

As of now, solid 10 days up, we will see how long it goes before any disc reboots.

Added: Just noticed there is no data usage in last 30days in picture below, however its showing now in ui maybe i screen shot to early before it had populated. i am not clearing user data as suggested earlier in thread for any body wondering. 


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Message 76 of 110

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C Early Adopter now live

@foz. BT also contacted me for more details on our recent experience - I have offered them my diagnostic logs, but they have not come back to me yet. My setup unfortunately had a complete meltdown again on Wednesday this week - 2x satellite disc’s showing red, a reset and a power cycle wouldn’t fix it and the primary disc rebooting every 15 mins or so. I eventually  got the 2x discs back buy connecting them by Ethernet cable directly to my router so they could sync (tip BT Support gave me in the past) so avoided a factory reset.  The DHCP server setting on my ASUS AT-AC87U still at max lease time (no infinite option). I’ve got to say that since selecting max lease time things are slightly improved, but its marginal at best for me. That said, I’m sticking like glue to 822C to avoid further complications at the moment until I’ve got confidence everyone else is working well, but your status is a good start!



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Message 77 of 110

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C Early Adopter now live

I think I may have to bite the bullet, accept the financial loss, and replace the kit. BT won't take the return, and neither will the retailers. 

It seems to be very unstable, an not likely to be fixed any time soon. 


But the time I am spending trying to live with it is not without value either! 

Message 78 of 110

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C Early Adopter now live

Finally after 25 days of stability the primary disc crashed and rebooted itself.  It then wouldn’t reconnect to the remote discs, which all showed a red LED, until each disc had been power cycled.  Interestingly a soft reboot of the primary disc using the app didn’t get the connections going, it needed a physical turn off/on.

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Message 79 of 110

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C Early Adopter now live


I think I may have to bite the bullet, accept the financial loss, and replace the kit. BT won't take the return, and neither will the retailers. 

It seems to be very unstable, an not likely to be fixed any time soon. 


But the time I am spending trying to live with it is not without value either! 

That’s not good from BT, they know the products are terrible when they don’t work correctly and especially when customers are left waiting months for a software fix.

Who is the retailer and when did you buy? 

Worth reminding them about Consumer Rights Act 2015 which usually does enough to get even the most stubborn retailer to correct thing.

The Consumer Rights Act gives you the legal right to either get a refund for goods that are of unsatisfactory quality, unfit for purpose or not as described, or get it repaired  - depending on how long you've owned it:

  • 0 - 30 days you can claim a full refund for goods that are of unsatisfactory quality, unfit for purpose or not as described. 
  • 30 days - six months you must give the retailer one opportunity to repair or replace it before you can claim a refund
  • six months or more you must give the retailer one opportunity to repair or replace it before you can claim a partial refund, and the burden of proof is on you to prove the product is faulty


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Message 80 of 110

Re: Premium & Whole Home Wi-Fi 6 SGAB/C20832C Early Adopter now live

@ RockhopperJ

From a quick google - According to Merlin the developer for AsusWRT-Merlin on Asus and Merlin firmware many clients will try to renew their lease once they reach half of the lease's time. 

It seems from a thread i just looked at that 2678400 is the Asus max lease time. i think 30 days

Hope i am not barking up the wrong tree here with this lease time but i can only report whats going on at my end.

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