So still dropping at least once a day but holding at 34Mbs down, found my old adsl filter so might try test socket and no faceplate
If dropping connection in faceplate then maybe try test socket before the drops impact on your connection speed
Thanks, that’s my thoughts too
Im on the test socket with a filter, after it dropped overnight, now down to 30Mbs down, I did quiet line again and heard crackles but very rarely, not regularly, had to listen for ages to hear them
So still at 30Mbs down, will it climb up if it’s stable?
How to Openreach find very infrequent line noise?
Intermittant line noise can be due to a high resistance joint. You can try clearing this yourself by ringing your number a couple of times, let it ring five or six times. The higher ring voltage can clear the problem.
id forgotten how powerful the ring voltage can be, I remember the old ringing generators that chopped mains up at 17Hx
So dropped again about 2 am, now down to 26Mbs on filter not faceplate, ideas?
Changed back to faceplate, it dropped an hour later but came back at 30Mbs down
I take it that you’re still getting the occasional crackles on the line even after making some incoming calls as suggested by @pippincp
In which case, unless others on here say otherwise , I’d report it as a faulty phone line “noisy line” as opposed to Broadband.
Only when you’ve got that noisy line fixed will broadband have a good chance of being stable.
If you can get hold of a corded phone to do the quiet line test that would help in listening for the crackles. The low dull hum of the cordless phone may be masking some of the noise.