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Message 11 of 20

Re: How to connect a new router to BT router?

I looked at those models. They will work.

But the problem is: I want a new router to get parental control. The parental control they give is the SAME as the control in the BT router.

The kids are on the net 10 hours a day 😕 

It's hard for me to police.

TPLink have told me I can connect a router and connect it as an access point. 

So... should I have the TPLink router (which is acting as an access point) connected by ethernet cable and have it sat next to the BT router?

If so... should I turn off Wifi on the BT router? I checked and I can definitely do this.

Are there any problems in doing this?


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Message 12 of 20

Re: How to connect a new router to BT router?

Those TP Link routers both offer parental controls that work, bur the  cheaper TP Link W9970  has many more options which are implemented by using the firewall rules, which can offer timed access and also timed web filtering. This is not mentioned in the specification.

They are much better than anything offered by the BT Home Hubs.

You need to use the TP Link as the main router, for any form of parental controls, including the firewall rules.


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Message 13 of 20

Re: How to connect a new router to BT router?

I've looked at the manual for the TP Link W9970:

On page 29 it gives details of the parental controls.

Here it shows that you can ONLY restrict the hours period - NOTHING else.

WORSE still... you have a parental setting that applies to ALL kids.

So if you have a 7 year old and a 16 year old - the SAME must rules apply.

Websites: EACH and EVERY website needing access must be manually input.

TPLink is my choice - you get 3 years warranty at least and 24x7 support.

But frankly they are pathetic for support. I spent 1 hour speaking to some dumbo getting answer.

It was painful. I asked if I could do what I wanted using basic model X1. He says no, I need to buy model X20 to get that functionality (he spent 5-10 minutes researching). I think ask him if I can use model X19. 5-10 minutes later he tells me, yes, that will work. Then I ask him, will X18 work. Another 5-10 minutes later he says yes. Then I ask him can you tell me what the most basic model is that I can use and get the functionality I needed. He just didn't understand my question. I had to throw model numbers at him each and every time.

We get down to model X5... he makes out that I am mad because model X5 doesn't exist. 😕 

I made up the model numbers just to illustrate my point.


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Message 14 of 20

Re: How to connect a new router to BT router?

Page 35 of the instruction book you posted a link to shows you how to set up parental controls using the mac address of each device and the times it applies for that device. Read the instructions in depth and after understanding them, add the settings that you want/need.

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Message 15 of 20

Re: How to connect a new router to BT router?

Sorry for being dumb... I can't see it.
Can you send a screen shot?
Page 35 talks about it... and Page 36 shows the controls:
This control is the 'effective' time in which you can apply restrictions.
I see no other screenshot that tells me that I can can parental control like I can have as shown here: (video for TPLink - controls for more expensive routers)
0 Ratings
Message 16 of 20

Re: How to connect a new router to BT router?


You do not use the parental controls that are part of the web interface, as they are very basic.

As I have already said, you need to enable the firewall, and then setup firewall rules which use the device MAC address in conjunction with the time schedule.

I did go into a lot of detail when I had my website running, and still have the pages stored, however I am not prepared to post the information here, unless you actually have the W9970 connected and are using it. Its no good just looking at the instructions and making guesses.

The method is very flexible, but you do need to be prepared to put in some effort.

You have to compile a list of all  the MAC addresses and names of the devices on your network. Its a good idea to use a spreadsheet, as these will need to be copied into the firewall LAN entries, so that rules can be applied.

You can block all other MAC addresses, just in case a user decides to change their MAC address. If they do, they will not get any Internet access.

Applicable section.


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Message 17 of 20

Re: How to connect a new router to BT router?

My mistake, the PDF page number is showing as 35 but the actual page is 30 onwards or Chapter 8.

You can have individual devices set up differently because the controls are working on a per device level using their MAC address rather than at a network level.

In any event, if your kids are in any way computer literate they will find a way around these controls without too much effort.

Message 18 of 20

Re: How to connect a new router to BT router?

@gg30340 wrote:

In any event, if your kids are in any way computer literate they will find a way around these controls without too much effort.

Exactly, parenting teenagers by technology is doomed to failure.

Message 19 of 20

Re: How to connect a new router to BT router?

Thanks for all replies.

@Keith_Beddoe  are you 100% sure I can have the time based restriction I am asking for? To limit 2 hours in the day for example.

I can't see how that would be possible to be honest - if it isn't a built in feature.

Buying from Amazon is a no brainer. I can always return.

I have a TP Link AC750 (Archer C2). This is an old model (bought brand new from Argos 18 months ago).

I'm guessing this will have the firewall settings you mention.

If you could give me the instructions for that... then I could play around with before buying the one you mention.


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Message 20 of 20

Re: How to connect a new router to BT router?

It would have to be a specified two hour period, and not a cumulative value. That is the only way it would work. Or a number of fixed periods a day, adding up to two hours.

I am not aware of a router that can keep a track of the amount of time a device is connected. That would normally done by specific software, or by network monitoring, as in the Microsoft Family account. Software would only work on specific devices, and you would have to prevent it from being uninstalled.

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