Message 1 of 22

Slow Broadband speeds

So i have BT Fibre 1 package and my internet is really slow. It caps at 16mbps. Its been like this for a while now

I have spoken to BT and they sent an engineer out. All he did what check the speeds from the sockets and coming out of the router. There is apparently 27mbps coming out of the router so theres no issue and he cant do anything. No Help at all!!!

There are no issues in the area also (Only issue is slow max capabilities of speed but we don't even get that)  Apparently there is 27mbps coming out of the sockets but how is it possible not to go to all devices. Ive split the frequency and am connected to 5ghz

If i run an online speed test i get 16mbps or lower, a BT speed test 16mbps or lower

What else can i do???

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Message 2 of 22

Re: Slow Broadband speeds

Stats from https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ADSL/telephoneHome


Telephone Number ***** on Exchange LAISTERDYKE is served by Cabinet 19
Featured Products Downstream Line Rate(Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream HandbackThreshold(Mbps) WBC FTTC Availability Date WBC SOGEA Availability Date Left in JumperHigh Low High Low        VDSL Range A (Clean) 
VDSL Range B (Impacted) 
37.8 22.4 7.6 5.4 18 Available Available --
36.2 19.3 7.5 5 15 Available Available --
Featured Products Downstream Line Rate(Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream Range (Mbps) Availability Date FTTP Install ProcessFTTP on Demand
330 30 -- Available --
ADSL Products Downstream Line Rate (Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream Range(Mbps) ADSL Availability Date WBC SOADSL Availability Date Left in JumperWBC ADSL 2+WBC ADSL2+ Annex MADSL MaxWBC Fixed RateFixed Rate
Up to 6.5 -- 5.5 to 7.5 Available Available --
Up to 6.5 Up to 1 5.5 to 7.5 Available Available --
Up to 5.5 -- 4 to 8 Available Available --
2 -- -- Available Available --
2 -- -- Available -- --
Observed Speeds VDSLMax Observed Downstream SpeedMax Observed Upstream SpeedObserved Date
Other Offerings Availability DateVDSL MulticastADSL Multicast
Premise Environment StatusBridge TapVRINTE FacePlateLast Test Date


FTTP is not available.

For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (VDSL or G.fast) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.

Actual speeds experienced by end users and quoted by CPs will be lower due to a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.

The Stop Sale date for IPstream is from 30 Nov 2012. the Formal Retirement date for IPstream is from 30 Jun 2014.

If you decide to place an order for a WBC fibre product, an appointment may be required for an engineer to visit the end user's premises to supply the service

In order to be eligible for handback, downstream speed should be less than Downstream Handback Threshold values.

Thank you for your interest

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Message 3 of 22

Re: Slow Broadband speeds

in order for the forum members to help please can you post the stats from your router (if hub enter in your browser) and if  HH5 then go to troubleshooting then helpdesk and if HH6/SH2 then advanced settings then technical log information . 

Have you tried the quiet line test? - dial 17070 option 2 - should hear nothing - best done with a corded phone. if cordless phone you may hear a 'dull hum' which is normal

are you using the master socket?  have you tried using the test socket with a filter to see if speed improves

run btspeedtester and post results  must be done with ethernet connection not wireless


Someone may then be able to offer help/assistance/suggestions to your problem

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Message 4 of 22

Re: Slow Broadband speeds

Yes were are using master socket, with two sockets installed by BT

Product name:

BT Hub 6A

Serial number:


Firmware version:


Firmware updated:


Board version:


Gui version:


DSL uptime:

0 Days, 14 Hours 42 Minutes 35 Seconds

Data rate:

5.47 Mbps / 18.38 Mbps

Maximum data rate:

5489 / 17847

Noise margin:

6 dB / 5.8 dB

Line attenuation:

41.1 dB

Signal attenuation:

26.3 dB / 41.1 dB





Latency type:

Fast Path

Data sent / received:

13 GB Uploaded / 23 GB Downloaded

Broadband username:


BT Wi-fi:


2.4 GHz wireless network name:


2.4 GHz wireless channel:

Smart (Channel 1)

5 GHz wireless network name:


5 GHz wireless channel:

Channel 36

Wireless security:

WPA2 (Recommended)

Wireless mode:

Mode 1



MAC address:


Software variant:


Boot loader:



Done with Ethernet





0 Ratings
Message 5 of 22

Re: Slow Broadband speeds

connection time is only 14hrs was that hub dropping connection or manual reset

quiet line test?

which exchange and cab are you on - was at top of dslchecker result

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Message 6 of 22

Re: Slow Broadband speeds

exchange LAISTERDYKE and cabinet 19 i believe 

Dong quiet line test i can hear a crackle

Manual reset as speed went down to 1mbps

0 Ratings
Message 7 of 22

Re: Slow Broadband speeds

if you can hear a crackle on your line the you need to report a phone fault to 151 not a broadband fault

you need to try and avoid resetting the hub as line will show as unstable with the result the DLM will take action by reducing speed and increasing noise margin

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Message 8 of 22

Re: Slow Broadband speeds

its just a slight crackle, constant though. would this effect the broadband???

The speed dropped immensely and only way to fix was reset 

0 Ratings
Message 9 of 22

Re: Slow Broadband speeds

shouldnt the openreach engineer checked this?
0 Ratings
Message 10 of 22

Re: Slow Broadband speeds

I'm not an expert but my "beef" is that I have only just found out, after years of being with BT, that their system caps the BB speeds at significantly lower than their guaranteed minimum. I have been paying for superfast which BT says will deliver 49 mbs minimum. My long term average is 35 at best which based on other comments I suppose I should be grateful for! To add insult to injury BT keep trying to sell me Halo at greater cost when it seems to me that, given the cap, it would be a complete waste of time/money.  

I only found out about the cap when BT eventually sent an engineer out after years of telling me it must be our internal wiring that was at fault (the engineer confirmed that it was not). It seems to me that if the infrastructure can not deliver the speeds advertised that is poor but understandable. What I object to is paying for something that I can not possibly receive and to boot not having been told the facts. No doubt this is all buried in BTs voluminous T&Cs but that is not of much help for Joe public. Rant over - I will be complaining!

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