Message 91 of 143

Re: Smart Hub 2 Wi Fi devices are dropping connection and reconnecting

Latest update to original post. 
After some thoughts around the forum discussions here I decided I would try using hub with channel 2 turned off. Meanwhile I uprated complaint with BT and had a response from their team who eventually agreed to try another HUB. This arrived early this week and was installed. This new SH2 has been o/k with both channels on for a couple of days but dropped out again last night twice and another 4 times this morning. looking at the home manager event log the dropouts appear to occur with a "neighbor solicit" IVP6 so Having spoken with BT Team who phoned this morning I have now again disabled Channel 2 on the new hub. 
As far as I can tell from the my devices section of management page of SH2 there are only two devices on my network that are using 5ghz channel 2 and both of these were off this morning. 
Still not happy that the Bt hub is doing this! at a loss as to what else to try without spending loads of cash I don't have.
Do not have an option to try another fibre provider as there isn't one for this area it seems, from my enquiries! 
Does BT get a monopoly for a set time after they have installed fibre in an area??
Bt resolutions team have agreed to send a return pack for the removed SH2 and call me again next Monday to see if turning off channel 2 on the new hub has stopped the dropouts! 
will update forum after this! 
Message 92 of 143

Re: Smart Hub 2 Wi Fi devices are dropping connection and reconnecting


Hi I had the same, new hub arrives and then 3 or 4 days of no problems then the problems return. This is almost certainly because the new hub will have arrived with old factory fit firmware (without a bug). then the routine overnight updates occur after a few days and you are then lumbered with the buggy firmware.  Did you note the firmware versions?  Can you see in the settings what date it was updated? and if it tallies with the return of the fault?

I found switching off one of the 2 bands was a workaround to reduce the errors.  I chose to remove the 2.4GHz Band (channel 1 6 or 11) as only one device could only run on 2.4.

PS @windcol are you using a Mac and Big Sur or Monterey?

FYI I am also having my Canon printer not able to wifi print since the router bug surfaced.  I wonder if it is related? (although canon wifi printers are notorious sketchy)

BT Smart Hub 2 + BT Disc on full fibre 150Meg Halo FTTP
Macs and iphones, plus alexa, YouView box, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV+
CFP project lead.
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Message 93 of 143

Re: Smart Hub 2 Wi Fi devices are dropping connection and reconnecting

My brand new SH2 lives in its box in the garage. Completely useless until a firmware update offers split network management like the old SH1(that I currently still use).

I almost bought a £300 router from 3rd party to remove this reliance on BT, but I live in hope that they will release a fix for the broken firmware in time.

The SH2 is much faster than the SH1 on 5ghz only when I tested it.  But only having one band enabled is useless to me, hence the SH2 is defunct.

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Message 94 of 143

Re: Smart Hub 2 Wi Fi devices are dropping connection and reconnecting


Whatever this problem is it's certainly weird.

I have also had problems with devices dropping off the Wi-Fi but(fingers crossed) not for a week or two now and I'm still on the buggy(?) v0.33 firmware.

I'm told by the mods that the hub team are still investigating the root cause but that "everyone who was experiencing issues has been reporting that it's resolved itself" so how far they'll get is anybody's guess

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Message 95 of 143

Re: Smart Hub 2 Wi Fi devices are dropping connection and reconnecting

@windcol wrote:

Does BT get a monopoly for a set time after they have installed fibre in an area??

BT do not install fibre in any areas. That is done by Openreach and after it is installed all ISPs are by law able to purchase it and sell it onto its customers. However as you have found out not all ISPs avail themselves to this and as such it is often the case that BT are the only ISP offering it.

Message 96 of 143

Re: Smart Hub 2 Wi Fi devices are dropping connection and reconnecting

No sorry i am running dell desktop with windows.

firmware version i didn't note delivered status however it updated just a few hours after i fitted unit . now v 033.00.122274BT update 21/5 at 22:36.

Interestingly i have noted that my brother printer did not pick up the new hub and had to be logged in manually 2 days ago and has just done the same again this afternoon! Hmmm!

0 Ratings
Message 97 of 143

Re: Smart Hub 2 Wi Fi devices are dropping connection and reconnecting


Re Printer.   Mmm.  I normally blame the printer as all printers are unreliable, however if you are having a similar issue....

I have n't been able to print wirelessly for months... if it is a BT Smart Hub 2 issue then I should escalate it.

BT Smart Hub 2 + BT Disc on full fibre 150Meg Halo FTTP
Macs and iphones, plus alexa, YouView box, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV+
CFP project lead.
0 Ratings
Message 98 of 143

Re: Smart Hub 2 Wi Fi devices are dropping connection and reconnecting


Re Printer.   Mmm.  I normally blame the printer as all printers are unreliable, however if you are having a similar issue....

I have n't been able to print wirelessly for months and at one time you'd add a job to the print queue and it would print maybe 15 minutes later.   .. if it is a BT Smart Hub 2 issue then I should escalate it.

BT Smart Hub 2 + BT Disc on full fibre 150Meg Halo FTTP
Macs and iphones, plus alexa, YouView box, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV+
CFP project lead.
0 Ratings
Message 99 of 143

Re: Smart Hub 2 Wi Fi devices are dropping connection and reconnecting

If you want to keep the SH2 but want reliable and flexible Wi-Fi such as split channels, I would repurpose a router that has good Wi-Fi as a wireless point. It is very easy to implement. On the slave, turn off DHCP and I would also give it a static IP address. You can turn off wireless on the sh2 if you wish. 

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Message 100 of 143

Re: Smart Hub 2 Wi Fi devices are dropping connection and reconnecting

I have DV but don't really use it - mainly for incoming calls.

Diverted the number to a mobile removed the SH2 from the equation - use an Edgerouter 4 with a Velop MX5300 mesh system in AP mode - bulletproof with 700Mbps wifi everywhere.

Not been charged yet for any incoming diverted calls..

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