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Message 11 of 11

Re: Spam in my inbox

Apologies, I've come to this rather late, as I've got to the end of my tether.  I have had exactly the same problem for over a year now.  I first raised it with BT last March and on numerous occasions since.  They do decrease for a bit after each complaint, but then surge again.  The Executive Customer Resolutions Team, are the top tier, but they are useless.  One person gave me her email and told me she would deal with it and to send the emails to her.  After about two months of this she stopped replying.  I have now got back to this Team, but have been told there is nothing they can do.  The technical team that actually works on the spam filter itself is apparently offshore.  They are "non-customer facing" and an "offline" team, meaning that even the aforementioned executive team can't 'phone them.  All they can do is refer problems.  They have no way of following them up!


One odd thing that has developed recently.  I use the mail app on my iPad and when I went to the webmail to block the one spam email that had come into my inbox in the app this morning, I discovered that in my inbox on the webmail there were six spams!!!  Three (allegedly) from McAfee and three allegedly from Martin Lewis, all had the same email address and all arrived within twenty minutes of one another.


Not only that, but the one that came into the inbox on the app was a "Martin Lewis" one, but had the time of one of the webmail McAfee ones!  BT is in a real mess, in total denial and totally no way of getting it sorted.  Their attitude is appalling.


If anyone reading this can explain the anomaly, I would be very grateful.

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