Message 1 of 2

W channel 311/383

Wondering if anyone can clear this up.... 

I have the Big Entertainment package but do not seem to be able to get the channel w... looking through various threads it seems it's not available on this package but on older "legacy" packages.

However I have seen somewhere it is available if you have the VIP package (something I am about to activate anyways due to the F1 season starting)... can anyone confirm this is the case at all? 

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Message 2 of 2

Re: W channel 311/383

W channel is not not available on any of the Now TV packages and that includes the VIP package.

W as you said is still available on the old legacy packages and the Classic Entertainment package but over the next few years I cant see BT offering the Classic Entertainment package as that package has already lost a few channels.

I myself moved from the Entertainment Max HD package to the Now TV Big Entertainment packagewith HD add on almost a year ago.


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