Hi I need to reinstate a deleted email to access a playstation account. Can anyone advise how best to do this as ?
thank you
Unless it is in your trash folder, you can't recover it.
Or do you mean email account? If so, once deleted it can't be recovered unless it is still visible in your MyBT manage emails section.
Sorry I mean an email which I created as a sub account from my BT email.
When I try to replicate it I am informed it is in use ?
If you have deleted an email sub account and it no longer shows in the manage email section of MyBT, then it is not possible to recover it. You cannot re- create it as BT email addresses are unique and once deleted cannot be re-used, hence the message it is already in use.
If the email address is the login to the playstation account, it will just be a text string as far as that account is concerned, it doesn't need to be an active email address.
Thank you
The problem is I need the email to recover the password for the account
Contact the Playstation admin.
See link
Thank you
I have made contact and will call