Hello hope everyone is healthy
Nearly every time openreach are at the box at end of our street our broadband either stops working or goes to snails pace
every time we have to get engineer out and each one says wires loose in box but lately each time its fixed speed is getting slower despite last engineer moving wires to other side of box
my guaranteed speed is as follows
as you can see from bottom photo the speeds have dropped by a third and i am sick getting them out every other week
Any ideas where i go from here
btw last engineer said he got it to 47 (which happens to be my guaranteed minimum) but when i got home it was 40
P.S i don't mind phoning but you have to make sure someone in and you have to go through all the same **bleep** like is your wires connected /restart your router etc etc when that is the first things you check and i realise everyone is not at the same level and it has to be a one size fits all
sorry for the rant but its very frustrating
Your uptime is less than 2 days are you having problems with connection dropping or was that manual reset?
Try quiet line test dial 17070 option 2 should be silent and best with corded phone
Enter phone number and post results remember delete number but leave exchange and cab number
Manual reset for bt test
Sorry don't have a house phone and anyway every time bt engineer comes its a problem in box at end of street.
Also why does it say on bt broadband speed test that results are as expected see pic above when my guaranteed minimum speed is 47 and its showing 39
what is the threshold on the app speed test
So would i just keep phoning them weekly till they provide promised speed
The most basic test to check for broadband problems is to check your phone line for noise
You must have a phone number even if you don't use it so results from the dslchecker link I posted would help see what speed range is expected for your line
Any speeds quoted by BT are connection speeds to your hub and not download speeds to your device
My apologies i never noticed your link
You've cut off the exchange and cab number.
Cabinet 9 Fraserburgh
now down to 32 from 60 a year or so ago
guaranteed is now down to 32
whats the point of giving a gaurentee when if its not made just take it down without any consultation as well
can you post up to date router stats please
have you been able to check for noise on your line?