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Message 11 of 24

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi - Disconnects / drop outs every few days

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Thanks @Armin_6150 

I guess BT support have not said which info in the logs indicate a problem?

This is as far as I got with BT - I have had legacy steering off all of the time -  and still get reboots on 2 out of 4 disks every few days.  Is there a device on your network causing your disks to have issues?

I must admit I find it strange that the disks enter a “reboot mode” when they encounter an error - it’s like some sort of “panic” reset - a state caused by a problematic wifi device? I’ve asked BT support to explain - but no response on this.

Hopefully this will fix your reboots. Do let us know how you get on.

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Message 12 of 24

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi - Disconnects / drop outs every few days

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So here is another update. 

I tried all the steps suggested by BT help desk and initially thought I was onto something, but exactly after 5 days I had the same problem again. Interestingly this time though the lights on discs didn’t go red and everything on paper looked to be working but it wasn’t. Anyway this forced into a restart and the red light again.

BT asked for a copy of the error log again and unfortunately this time round they just put their hands up and said they can’t fix this. They asked me to send the discs back for a refund.

any suggestions for a better unit/manufacturer? 

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Message 13 of 24

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi - Disconnects / drop outs every few days

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Sorry to hear you @Armin_6150 and BT have to give up. 

I also have the same 2 out of 4 disks rebooting or disconnecting on the app - but no red lights. Happens every few days.

I consider this WHW system is now legacy and poorly supported by BT - after owning for 15 months. Time for an upgrade ( but never BT again for me).

I haven’t decided yet on make or model. I’m looking for reliability first, with 4 nodes that will use the Ethernet backhaul I’ve gone to the bother of installing.

if you make a decision - let us know. Thanks.

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Message 14 of 24

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi - Disconnects / drop outs every few days

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I’m thinking about this one as replacement, not sure how they compare to the BT whole home?


Linksys WHW0303 Velop Tri-Band Whole Home Mesh WiFi System (AC2200 WiFi Router/WiFi Extender for Seamless Coverage of up to 6,000 sq ft, Parental Controls, 3-Pack, White)
by Pacetech (24Hr Dispatch)

Sent from my iPad

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Message 15 of 24

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi - Disconnects / drop outs every few days

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@Armin_6150 Reviews suggest less speed and coverage than the BT WHW AC2600 system.  Also no wifi channel selection, all automatic - may not be an issue, it depends. Looks to be clearance, introduced in 2017, as Argos have it cheaper at the moment.

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Message 16 of 24

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi - Disconnects / drop outs every few days

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Thanks yeah noticed that… I’m looking at these new WiFi 6 triband ones now… I’m not sure if I’m convinced on the coverage as they all seem to say a massive coverage even with a 2 pack units.. with whole home WiFi I barely managed to cover the house with 4 units. What do you think about these ones?

ASUS ZenWiFi AX Whole-Home Tri-Band Mesh WiFi 6 System(XT8), Coverage Up to 510sq m or 5500sq ft or 6+ Rooms, 6.6 Gbps WiFi, 3 SSIDs, Life-Time Free Network Security and PS5 Compatible, 2.5G Port

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Message 17 of 24

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi - Disconnects / drop outs every few days

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Just for everyone’s benefit I went for the ASUS XT8 at the end, two units. A lot more expensive than the BT whole home discs but wow what a difference so far.. I only bought two units to trial first but think I need another 1 or 2.. no drop outs, a lot higher speeds and so much options in the app.

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Message 18 of 24

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi - Disconnects / drop outs every few days

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I also have the same dropout issue, I have a 4 x disc system - 2 Wired to the Router and 2 Wireless

Ever since the Nov 2021 release of v1.02.13 build07 (FR13) I have been constantly loosing connection on the 2 Wireless discs.

I have tried swapping the discs around, Factory resetting and also setting the various config options detailed in this thread over the past several months with no success.

As a last resort, last week, I turn off Auto Update and rolled back to Firmware version v1.02.12 build02 (FR12) - May 2020.

So far So good ...


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Message 19 of 24

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi - Disconnects / drop outs every few days

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Quick update - after 2 weeks of continuous uptime since I rolled back the Firmware - the system is now stable with no disconnecting discs.

Not an ideal solution to be running the previous version of firmware I know, but at lease it provides a stable & reliable Mesh network while I wait for a further BT update to fix the issues or look for a replacement system... 

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Message 20 of 24

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi - Disconnects / drop outs every few days

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@b8drf I'm having the same problems with I'm having the same problems with disconnects, what firmware did you roll back to and how did you do it. Has it still remained stable since the rollback ? , what firmware did you roll back to and how did you do it. Has it still remained stable since the rollback ?

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