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Message 1 of 24

Premium Whole Home Wi-Fi SGAB208224 Release now live

SGAB208224 has been made available for BT Premium Whole Home Wifi as of 31st August 2021.

Changes since SGAB205018:

Since the FR3 release on Premium, there are many new features supported by the firmware and app that will deliver an even better customer experience, as well as a wide range of bug fixes for existing features.

New features include:

  1.             New Wi-Fi driver and Wi-Fi management software to improve stability
  2.             Improvements/bug fixes for Ethernet connected discs (to another disc or direct to router)
  3.             Support for WPA3 security (mixed mode)
  4.             IPv6 now supported for discs and connected devices
  5.             New features available in the app (using 3.12.86/88 or later)

Additional specific customer issues fixed:

-              Prevents an issue causing the memory to become full and require a factory reset regularly

-              Improvements around discs “dropping out” or incorrect status in app/web GUI

-              Static IP addressing now working correctly, with additional options available

 If you are upgrading from the Early Adopter firmware version SGAB208218 there are some additional stability fixes in version SGAB208224.

Upgrade advice:

  • We are aware of an issue where the check for an update on the app sometimes fails if your system has been up for more than 7 days.  If your upgrade check fails please reboot your Master disc and try again
  • After the update, we recommend you leave your discs for a few hours to allow them to settle into their configuration
  • During this time your Wi-Fi connection will be working fine, but you may see lights turning orange and blue and short drops in connection.  If this happens we recommend not moving your discs or adjusting any settings
  • When your network has settled, you may also notice that the disc layout displayed on the App is different or that your devices connect to a different disc – this is completely normal
  • If you have good internet connection on all your devices, your Whole Home Wi-Fi is working properly so there should be no need to change its layout or network configuration
  • As this is a major firmware release, if you see any new issues after the upgrade, we recommend performing a factory reset of your system.  You can use the new Backup and restore feature in the app to save your settings before the reset to save time in setting up again.

If the new firmware is not working as you’d like, try powering off/on all the discs at the socket and allow them to reconnect and settle.  If you still need help afterward, come back to us, here on Community, or contact the helpdesk on 0808 100 6116 or email so that we understand your issue and help fix it



Message 2 of 24

Re: Premium Whole Home Wi-Fi SGAB208224 Release now live

The App on my phone is unable to get the update.  Whenever I try, I simply get the message "There was a problem checking for the update."  How do I fix this?

0 Ratings
Message 3 of 24

Re: Premium Whole Home Wi-Fi SGAB208224 Release now live

Hi @Tiger23 

You may need to reboot your network first and then try updating again. Let me know if this does not work.



0 Ratings
Message 4 of 24

Re: Premium Whole Home Wi-Fi SGAB208224 Release now live

Yes, if your uptime is more than 7 days, the "check for new firmware" function fails on the app and web GUI. This was still present in the early adopter release. You have to restart the network to get the firmware check to work to download it.

0 Ratings
Message 5 of 24

Re: Premium Whole Home Wi-Fi SGAB208224 Release now live

That worked perfectly.  Thank you.

0 Ratings
Message 6 of 24

Re: Premium Whole Home Wi-Fi SGAB208224 Release now live

Good to hear that has worked now.

@Marcel  Yes we are looking into this issue - thanks for highlighting previously on the early adopter thread.


0 Ratings
Message 7 of 24

Re: Premium Whole Home Wi-Fi SGAB208224 Release now live

Any news when the non-premium version will be updated? I believe this is still offered for sale by BT but has not been updated in 1-3 years+ @Dan-O 

0 Ratings
Message 8 of 24

Re: Premium Whole Home Wi-Fi SGAB208224 Release now live


Please be assured the original Whole Home Wi-Fi is still supported and we continue to monitor feedback and any new issues - the last firmware update was released in June 2020. 

Details of any further firmware updates will be shared on this forum.


0 Ratings
Message 9 of 24

Re: Premium Whole Home Wi-Fi SGAB208224 Release now live

Thanks for the new firmware.

How to add a new premium disc without app, pc only?
Do i just connect it to ethernet and let it sort itself out like whw1?

0 Ratings
Message 10 of 24

Re: Premium Whole Home Wi-Fi SGAB208224 Release now live

Hi @foz 

You can either:

1. Plug the disc via Ethernet and add it - once it appears in the web interface correctly it will work as part of the network.

2. Hold the WPS button on the new disc for 5 seconds until the LED turns green. Now hold the WPS button for 5 seconds on the primary disc (connected to router) until it turns green. The new disc will pair over WPS and you will see it in the web interface once it has synchronised details etc.
