Hi, I'm posting on behalf of my elderly aunt who is a long time BT customer. Her existing contract ended recently so I contacted BT on her behalf and signed her up for a new contract not realising it meant she would have to have some work done at her house in order to install fibre. The engineer came on 2nd of December and completed the work internally and then said he couldn't complete the external work due to needing a hoist. He went off and returned at the end of the day and said no hoists were available and that someone would be out in the next couple of days. Since then nobody has been and she has had no internet or landline service. We've been ringing BT constantly who just keep saying it's an Openreach issue but can't tell us what the issue is or when it will be resolved. She's now gone 6 weeks without being able to access most of the tv programmes she likes to watch or see her email (she's 75 year old with sight issues so struggles to access the internet on her small phone screen). The guides are all very pleasant when we speak to them but are literally just fobbing us off and not offering any help. Is this a normal occurance and can anyone suggest what we can do to try and resolve the issue please? Thank you!
Call BT 0330.1234.150 and raise a complaint and while there enquire about compensation for having no connection and a failed install.
If you het no joy there email the BT CEO, you will find her email address with an Internet search. She won't deal with the matter but the executive team should become involved and hopefully at the least give you an explanation what has gone wrong and when it will be fixed.
Go here, https://www.openreach.com/help-and-support/when-to-get-in-touch-with-openreach/complaints-policy
Do not report as a broadband issue.
If your order is with BT it is BT you will need to complain to not Openreach.
The following is the first paragraph of the link posted above:-
"To raise a complaint, or enquiry, that relates to the provision of telephone/internet services, engineer appointments, faults or compensation, you’ll need to go through your Communications Provider."
Hi, Thanks for that - I believe that is the number we have been repeatedly calling over the last few weeks. Every time I have spoken to BT on my Aunt's behalf I've asked them to make a complaint and, as far as I'm aware, the complaint has been updated on each occasion and on one occasion they said it had now been expediated - though this apparently made no difference at all. We have been told she will recieve a fixed amount per day compensation for no service but it won't be paid until the issue is resolved so she's so far made two monthly payments for a service she hasn't had. I'll look up BT's CEO and try emailing her. Thanks for your suggestions.
Thank you
Hi @Laurowanie
Welcome to the community.
I've sent you a private message to try and get you some help with this. Could you take a look and get back to me please?