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BT Fault response: The Good The Bad & The Ugly

I'm on FTTC and a long way from the cabinet too so 18Mbits/s is as good as I seem to be able to get.

On Friday I was downloading/updating off-line maps to my Android and suddenly got text notifications that I'd used all my data allowance.  Thanks BT - the internet had gone off costing my £5+ on my PAYG.

Did basic checks and Sat morning send a text to their fault system.  Got an almost immediate response from a BOT that a fault had been identified and shortly an engineer would be allocated for a Monday morning visit.

Several more messages and on the day confirmation that the engineer would be with me shortly, which he was.  He came in and asked me what the problem was!  I thought the BOT knew.  He wasn't from this area, expressed surprise we weren't FTTP  and went about the task of checking my end and replacing the not very old Master Socket with the 5C and confirmed the fault was a high resistance somewhere down the line.  Having finished his coffee out he went to the nearest junction box.  An hour or so later, so before lunch, fault fixed and starting off at 16Mbit/s.

Can't say I fully understood my router log 0.00dB SNR Margin down:

00:04:06, 01 Jan.

dsl:VDSL link Up: Down Rate=19434Kbps, Up Rate=1333Kbps, SNR Margin Down=0.00dB, SNR Margin Up=6.00dB

Anyhow today I go onto the BT speed checker but it won't allow me to run a speed test:

Continue your fault journey

You've already reported a fault with your broadband. You can track the progress of this fault online.
Date raisedProduct
Jun 11, 2022


Fault tracker:

Please check your service

We need you to check your service to check to confirm that everything is now OK. If it's not, please get in touch.


Engineer visit complete 13.06 and Estimated fix date 16.06. 

So all in all another fault that I didn't want (about the 5th in the 6 years I've lived here) was fixed quite timely with lots of mixed messages so on the whole 8/10, make that 7/10 for the £5 data credit I've lost.


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