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Message 1 of 20

BT have reduced my download speeds without informing me & still charging the same amount!

Afternoon everyone. I need help resolving the following issue; last year on BT halo 3, I had download speeds of 55mbps and months back I upgraded my VDSL faceplate and sorted the wiring & improved my speeds up to 65mbps. This was extremely good and I had a very stable connection.

However, over the last few weeks and months I’ve noticed the Wi-Fi deteriorating and on the sly BT have changed our package so our speed guarantee is only 37mbps, yet Halo 3 has max speeds of up to 80mbps. Therefore, I need answers as to why they have limited my internet as I now only get 45mbps at best and much worse normally.  Which is terrible considering I used to get nearly 70!!!! I’m not sure if I need a DSL line reset as others have said that hasn’t worked but I need something because for BT to still charge us for a worse package and limit our download speed is outrageous.

Please respond as best you can. I’m only 20 and extremely competent with the Wi-Fi system and how everything works, including the exchange and to the cabinet. Thankyou.

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Message 2 of 20

Re: BT have reduced my download speeds without informing me & still charging the same amount!


You need to provide the connection stats from the HomeHub which will enable members here to help you.

Also have you tried a quiet line test using - preferably - a corded phone and dialling 17070 , option 2. You should not hear any noise at all and if you do report it as a phone line fault. Ideally this should be tested with the phone plugged into the test socket of your master socket.

Also post the results from the BT Broadband Availability Checker here. 

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Message 3 of 20

Re: BT have reduced my download speeds without informing me & still charging the same amount!

Hello thanks for the rapid reply! I have supplied the information you have asked for, I have checked these pages many a time and to me it seems as though my download and upload speeds should be much higher. We are not far from the exchange nor the street cabinet.

undortunately I do not have a corded phone to do a line test. I will see if there’s another way to test the line, thank you.

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Message 4 of 20

Re: BT have reduced my download speeds without informing me & still charging the same amount!

0 Ratings
Message 5 of 20

Re: BT have reduced my download speeds without informing me & still charging the same amount!

Use a free online jpeg optimiser such as this one. 

0 Ratings
Message 6 of 20

Re: BT have reduced my download speeds without informing me & still charging the same amount!

You would have thought a 20 year old it expert would know how to reduce a screenshot.

Message 7 of 20

Re: BT have reduced my download speeds without informing me & still charging the same amount!

And I’d have thought you’d know how to make a better joke than that. 🤣 If I reduce the resolution it will probably become unreadable but hey ho. Thought a website like BT would be able to accept modern day image sizes. 🥱

0 Ratings
Message 8 of 20

Re: BT have reduced my download speeds without informing me & still charging the same amount!

A screenshot taken on a PC and saved as a jpeg works just fine without having to do anything.

0 Ratings
Message 9 of 20

Re: BT have reduced my download speeds without informing me & still charging the same amount!

Can you read those? I’m sending from my iPhone because it’s a lot easier than running up the old PC. But if I have to, I will.



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Message 10 of 20

Re: BT have reduced my download speeds without informing me & still charging the same amount!

Yep, can read that just fine. DLM has banded your connection due to instability. Have you been rebooting your hub in an attempt to improve your speed?

The full stats from advanced settings> technical log > information will confirm noise margin

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