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Message 1 of 4

Broadband Installed in the Wrong Property

We had a new high speed fibre broadband line installed in place of a previously functional line but bt connected it into our neighbours property not ours and disconnected our original broadband line at the beginning of August.

We have had no broadband since the beginning of August and have been running off a 4G emergency connection.

An engineer visited and told us that they couldn't disconnect our neighbour and connect us instead (even though we were being charged) as he didn't have the authorisation which would have to come from a higher authority.

Numerous complaints with very poor communications from bt have only resulted in the statement that the line is working and bt don't seem to grasp the fact that they have connected our service to the neighbours property.

Escalating the complaint within bt doesn't seem to have any meaningful effect.

Demands for a deadlock letter so we can escalate the problem to OffCom are met with no response as to how and when a deadlock letter will be issued.

Can anyone suggest a solution - The Media may be?

Many thanks


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Message 2 of 4

Re: Broadband Installed in the Wrong Property

You only need a deadlock letter if less than 8 weeks have elapsed since you first raised the issue.

Edit: I can't see any reason to disconnect anything, they just need to provide a new connection to you. How they then sort out the other mess is their problem.

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Broadband Installed in the Wrong Property

were you not there when the fibre was being installed?

have you spoken with your neighbour about disconnecting fibe cable

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Broadband Installed in the Wrong Property


Thank you for the responses, evidently our neighbours had builders in who damaged their line.

When bt turned up they went to our neighbors who were expecting an engineer and the connection was made in their property by mistake.

At the time our original line was still working so we didn't know that the other line had been connected next door until we noticed that we were paying for two lines.

We complained and bt said they were going to turn our old line off and connect the new line to us and reconnect the new line to us.

The old line was turned off and we were left with no connection at all.

Our neighbours understand that at some time their line will be turned off but when that will be is anyones guess with no urgency from bt.

It seems to be a comedy of errors and no one in bt seems to have heard of the problem before.

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